limited vision

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I was born blind which was something I had to learn to deal with.

when I reached age eighteen doctors tried to fix my vision but something happened and they couldn't fix it fully so I could see.  

I have limited vision but it beats being blind. though it has its downfalls.

a lot of companies had used my limited vision as reasons they'd not hire me which resulted in me suing them for defamation of character or what ever it's called.

this one guy named Jax hired me to be his nanny for his little boy. I had told him all about me and he told me he'd not use my vision issues against me. that as long as I didn't cause his son harm and I protected him with my life then we'd not have a problem.

I've been Jax's nanny for two in half years. I met Happy within a year of working for Jax.

he and I started talking and he knew about me as did the other guys. none of them treated me any differently nor did Gemma. 


I had called Gemma earlier to come pick up Abel cause I was sick and I didn't want to risk him getting what I possibly had.

she was the one who took me to St.Thomas and dropped me off before she headed home after I assured her i'd be fine.

ocne the doctor examined me and ran some tests he gave me the news that I am pregnant.

So I walked from the hospital to the clubhouse to tell Happy.

When I got there the guys had just walked outta Church.

"Jax.Gemma has Abel." I tell him

"thank you Darlin" he says

I nodded my head and walked over to Happy.

"can we talk?" I asked

he gave a slight nod.

when he didn't move I sighed and just came out with it.

"how are you gonna take care of that baby when you can hardly see?" he asked

my jaw dropped before I collected myself.

"I will take care of my baby the same way I've taken care of Abel." I tell him

"you struggle to take care of him" he says

"No I don't. I keep him safe and I keep him from getting harmed or hurt. I don't have any issues with tending to Abel. I never had even when he was a baby" I say

when he says nothing I continue to talk.

"I'm not asking you for anything nor am I asking you to be in their life. I just thought it was the right thing for me to do since you're the only man I've ever had sex with" I tell him

"why didn't you get the morning after pill?" he asked

"How was I supposed to you you'd not fucking pull out as you assured me you would knowing I wasn't on any birth control?" I asked

he went to say something but I held my hand up.

"never mind Happy. just forget it. I'll be perfectly fine taking care of my baby. I don't need you in their life. I can be a single mother with no problem. " I say before I made my way out the door.

"Need a ride?" a prospect asked

"no thank you," I say as I walked out of the gate and headed towards my place since I didn't need to go to Jax.

I could hear the sound of a Harley but I didn't see it. 

When it got louder and I heard it coasting up next to me I kept walking ignoring the rider.

"I'm sorry."

"I dont care" I replied

"I am an asshole," he says

"grade A," I say

I heard the bike cut off but I never looked back to see Happy climb off.

it wasn't till he grabbed my hand stopping me from walking did I face him.

"I am a grade-A asshole with a capital A. and I'm sorry for what I said, I shouldn't have used your limited vision as an excuse for why you couldn't have my kid. It wasn't right of me to do that and if my momma was around she'd beat my ass with a shoe of not a belt." he says

I smiled at the last part.

"Please forgive me for my ignorance." he says

"why so you can use my problem against me later on down the line?" I asked

"I'm never gonna do that to you ever again. & I shouldn't have used it in the first place like a piece of shit" he says

"I really like you Happy. hell, I've fallen in love with you. but you saying what you had when I did the right thing by telling you I'm pregnant with your baby. it really hurt me, I couldn't believe you would say such a thing to me." I tell him

"I know," he says

" I forgive you Happy.  but I'm not gonna force you to be in their lives. I can be a single mother just fine. I've done one hell of a job taking care of Abel. so I know I can do a damn good job taking care of my baby." I tell him

"you wont do it alone" he says

this time I say nothing.

"I want to be better than my old man. I want to be there for them and you through out this pregnancy and their life. I will not abandon you or them. I will not have you struggling or dealing with being a single mom. I know what its like and thought my mom was a very strong woman who had help from my aunt I saw how it effect her when I got older." he says

"you do this its cause you want to do it" I tell him

"I wanna be with you....I love you" he says

I teared up a bit and he wiped my eyes before he pulled me into his arm and kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around him and deepened the kiss.


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