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I had just left my best friend's wedding when my car sputtered and started to sound like speed buggy from that cartoon.

I pulled it into the garage parking lot and it died right before the doors.

I groaned as I gathered up my dress and grabbed the keys before I climbed out.

I commented about my dress but I didn't pay them no mind and just walked up to the office door and knocked.

"hello how can I help you?" the lady asked

"my car needs fixing. it was sputtering like speed buggy and then died right in front of your garage door" I say

she smiled at the reference.

"fill this out leave the keys and we'll get it looked at. you can go in the building across the lot for a beer or water" she says handing me a clipboard.

I stood there writing my information before handing it back to her.

"thank you" I say handing my keys to her.

"Welcome" she says

I gathered my dress up and walked across the lot and into the clubhouse where people looked at me like I had two heads.

"hi, can I have a miller or bud please?" I asked the guy behind the bar as I took a seat on a stool

"sure" he says

"why are you looking like rainbow bright?" 

I looked the my right and seen a curly haired man with the prettiest blue eyes I'd ever seen.

"came from a friends wedding and it was pride themed" I say

"Oh ok" he says

"I like the reference you used" I say

 "what rainbow bright?" he aske

I nodded my head.

"not many would know that" I say

"true" he says

"I told the lady in the garage office my car was sounding like speed buggy before it died" I say

he laughed getting that reference

"the whole sputtering and back firing?" he asked

I nodded

"can I buy your drink?" he asked

"if you want." I say 

the guy behind the bar placed the beer before me and one before curly.

He sits beside me and takes a sip of his beer.

"funny how you wanna buy my drink yet you are part of this club... i think that's what this is. and this bar I am positive to be owned but the club so you guy don't pay for anything just keep the bar filled with the booze." I say before drinking my beer.

"you're a very smart woman" he says

"I like to observe places I guess you'd say. it helps to know who I am surrounded by" I tell him

"well you've probably hard of us" he says

"indeed. but I don't believe everything I hear." I say

"yeah citizens of this town doesn't seem to care to much for the sons" he says

"people always like to citisize you and judge you just to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives. " I tell him

"don't I know it" he says 

We say there talking a bit more till the came to get me for my car. 

I wished curls a good evening before I headed out the door.

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