power outage (made into story)

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It seemed like Charming was going to suffer from a power outage when we were on lockdown.

 luckily I carry a bright flashlight around with me just in case.

when the lights went out the kids screamed.

I turned on the flight light and I faced it up so It would light up the area.

prospects went to get more flashlights while I and the other moms and dads took care of our kids.

Abel wrapped his arms around me and was shaking in fear.

I held him the best I could being seven months pregnant.

"its okay Hunny. we are all alright it's just a power outage. nothing to be scared of" I tell him

"It scary," he says

"I know Hunny" I tell him

He held me and I sat there talking to him.

"How bout we play a game?" I asked

"how no lights?" he asked

"its a guessing game" I say

"otay" he says

"ok you wanna go first or mommy?" I asked

"you" he says

"alright.... I'm thinking of a person" I say

"are they tall?" he asked

"nope" I replied

"are they short?" he asked

"uh-huh" I replied

"are they blonde?" he asked

"yeah" I replied

"me?" he asked

"that's right," I say before kissing his cheek.

"can we play too?" the others asked as they came over with their little flash lights

"sure the more the merrier ...right bud?" I asked

"yeah" he says

the whole time we were having a power outage I was playing endless rounds of the guessing game with the kids to keep them calm.

it took roughly two in half hours before the lights kicked on at that time it was past dinner so while I still entertained the kids the guys went and got food for everyone.

"alright every come with me so we can wash our hands," I say turning my flash light off and watching them all do the same.

all the parents thanked me for entertaining their babies while dealing with the outage.

I assured them it was no problem at all.

"you need you marry that Lass yesterday Jackie boy" I heard Chibs say

"I planned on doing it tomorrow" Jax says

I hear chibs slap Jax on the back.

"that a boy " he says

I smiled before looking towards my boyfriend well soon to be husband and winked before turning my attention back to our son.


A/N: story name is real bad boy

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