"Your child's been kicking me all day."

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this pregnancy has its days. 

and little Teller that is growing inside of me is just like their father. rowdy as hell.

today from the time I had eaten breakfast till now they've been kicking me all day. 

and I its painful half the time.

I get that they are trying to have some room in there but I can only stretch so much. and with them just being one. they don't need to have anymore space then what they do.

I was walking back and forth rubbing my stomach while talking to mine and Jax's baby when Jax walked through the door.

"hi baby. how are you?" he asked

"trying to make deals with our child" I replied

He chuckled before he comes over making me stop pacing and kneels before me and kisses my stomach which settles our baby for the minute. 

once Jax stands back up and starts telling me about his day they start right back up with the kicking.

"Your child's been kicking me all day,"I tell her

he looks at me 

 "Oh, so now it's my child?" he asked

"no its the milk man's child" I replied

He helps me over to the couch and helps me get comfy before he starts rubbing my stomach and talking to our baby.

they started to ease up[ on the kicks.

"thank you" I say

He just winked at me before he continued rubbing my belly and talking softly to our baby.

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