"Do you love me?"

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I stood there looking at Jax after we both just had an altercation.

"Do you love me?" he asked

"what the fuck kind of question is that?" I asked

"a simple yes or no" he says

"Jackson if I didn't love you as much as I do. I'd not put up with the fucking horseshit you've put me through and the fucking fighting you want to start up or fucking altercations you wanna have just to let the steam from the bullshit you're dealing with in the club." I say

He sighs.

"you know just as well as I know if I didn't fucking love you I'd packed my shit and left all those years ago. but I didn't. I stayed I had your sons and I'm still fucking here dealing with all the horse shit. why BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU ASSHOLE" I say making sure I said the last bit loud

"yeah I know you'd had left just like Tara," he says

I stepped up in his face. and pointed at him.

"don't you fucking ever disgrace me like that no good piece of emu shit ever the fuck again," I warned

he looks at me.

" I am way fucking better that piece of trash" I say

"she abandon your fucking ass and took the coward's way out cause she got fucking scared. Where I stayed and I showed you what its like to be fucking loved and not used as well as loved for you being you and not that damn kutte you slip on every damn morning. I could give two fucking shits if you were a son or no. where her fucking coward ass wanted to change you. didn't want you to follow your dream of being a part of your father's club. So don't you ever ...and I fucking mean ever disgrace me like that again Jackson" I say before I dropped my hand and walked off before I stooped low and hit him.

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