"I know it was just a one night stand, but..."

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I was a bit nervous about telling Opie I was pregnant. I mean the only thing he and I shared was very mind blowing sex. that's it. I didn't have any link to the club, I was friends with some of the guys and occasionally talked with Gemma. but other than that I wasn't family.

Opie and I had a one night stand after one of the traditional Friday night parties Samcro throws.

I had no regrets about making love to him, being fucked raw by him. or allowing him to bust his nut inside of me.

I just didn't want him to feel as though he's got to do something cause he knocked me up.

collecting some of my courage I climb outta my car and greet those who greet me before making my way toward the club house.

"Hi, darling how is life?" Jax asked

"Busy as always" I replied

"he's in his dorm," Jax says

I nodded my head and went towards Opie's dorm.

not wanting to just barge in I simply knock on the door.

"Not now Jax" he says

"I'm not Jax" I replied

I could hear movement before the door opened and there stood Opie.

"Hi" I greeted

"Hi. What are you doing here?" he asked

"May I come in?" I asked

he stepped back allowing me inside where I took a seat on the edge of the very bed we created our baby.

"I wanna tell you something. and keep in mind it's not to trap you or anything. I just felt it's your right to know about them" I say

"You're pregnant?" he asked

"Yeah" I replied

he says nothing for a moment as he finally shuts the door locking it before stepping before me.

" I know it was just a one night stand but I'm gonna support you. whatever you decide to do," he says

"I'm keeping the baby," I tell him

"Good" he says

I nodded my head

"I'm not here asking you for anything Opie," I tell him

"I know. and I am thankful that you've come to tell me you're with my child." he says

"You're gonna have time to see them and be with them. I'm not keeping them from you. we both made them and we will both be part of their life" I tell him

he smiled while nodding before he leaned down and started kissing me having me lay back while he knelt down and started kissing my stomach.

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