"you're glowing!"

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I know things between Opie and Jax are not the best right now since Jax is wanting to leave and Opie's asked him to stay just as Jax had done when Opie was wanting to leave.

 but Jax doesn't care what Opie wants it's only what Jax wants.

With me being so pregnant I was hoping that it would ease some of the stress for him.

and it had worked but not as much.

at the moment Opie was siting before me just looking at me.

"what?" I asked

"you're glowing!" he says

"I don't feel like it. I feel like I'm a phat penguin" I say 

he chuckled at that which made me happy to see him smile since it seemed like hell an ever since he had.

"your not a phat penguin." he says

"I know I'm not i said I feel like it. I mean I cant walk properly I walk like a damn penguin" I say and to infinsise my words I walk to him.

"its adorable" he says

"you say that only to try and butter me up to get laid" I joked

he knew I was joking

"nah baby" he says as he wraps his arms around my and kisses my stomach.

I brush som of his hair back and tilt his head so he was looking up at me.

"I love you greatly Opie" I tell him

He smiled.

"love you too" he says

I lean down the best I can and give him a kiss before I straighten up only for him to pull me down on his lap.

"I know things are tense with me and Jax due to the shit he's pulling," he says

"you know you can leave. there is no link to the club anymore." I tell him

"you think they'll let me go?" he asked

"JT is a reasonable man. I believe he'll listen to you if you tell him you want out." I say

"I have wanted out for a long time now. but Jax didn't want me to go." he says

"and now he's wanting to fuck off while you're not wanting him to go but he doesn't give a fucking rats ass about what anyone but him wants. if it's not for him he doesn't give a shit" I say

"I have started noticing that. actually, I've always known that but I never cared before," he says

"it is only up to you if you really want out of the club or not. I'm not telling you what to do and what not to do. I won't pull a pity card and beg you to leave or stay. I'm gonna be right there with you no matter what you decide" I tell him

H held me in his arms as he thought it all over.

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