magic Mike last dance (made into story)

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(since its not out yet I'm not sure how it goes. this is just how I am putting what happens)

when valentines day came we ladies met at the lot loaded up in the cars. we had to take more than two since our guys were coming with us.

We, ladies, bought our tickets in advance so the guys had to buy theirs when we got there.

I headed inside and up to the main top so that I'd not deal with any fuck heads behind me wanting to try something.

Once the movie started we passed out the drinks and snacks that we snuck in with our diaper bags.

I knew the guys were gonna get so pissed off and jealous as well as regret wanting to come when we ladies really get into the movie.

when the dancing and stripping started we ladies started whistling and yelling at the screen

"yeah, baby take it all off".

which the other women that were there cheered in agreement while the guys slouched and opted while mumbling about the bullshit dancing.

when this one-tatted guy started stripping my mouth dropped and I felt like Jim carry off the mask.

"Holy fuck" I say and slightly drool just staring.

"what the fuck babe?" Jax asked

'What its not like I'm cheating I'm just enjoying the male body" I replied

"you don't do that with me when I strip" he says

"cause you dont I've me time to do anything. you just bend me over and rail my ass till you empty your sac. be enjoying anything is out of the fucking question" I say

"well sorry for wanting to fuck you" he says

"don't even try to put this on me." I say

he slouched back while I went back to enjoying the film knowing damn good an well what was to occur when I get home with Jax.

After the movie the lights came up and I saw a whole lot of pissed off guys, and some women fanning themselves.

"I wanna see that in real life," Wendy says

"yeah by me doing it. no other man" Happy says

"oh come on. we've talked about this" she says

"after seeing that. no fucking way are you gonna see that shit in real life and one of the dancers pull you up on stage and put their face in your croch" Happy says

Wendy rolled her eyes.

"if you all was gonna be a fucking buzz kill why the fuck did you all come?" Gemma asked

"for that very reason Gemma" I say 

after we all gathered our trash and belongings we headed for the entrance tossing our trash.

we headed back to the clubhouse and chilled out there for a bit.

I find it fucking bullshit that all you guys can get off while watching porn being made and shit. but when us women watch male performers its the fucking end of the world. like what fucking bullshit is that" I say

"its how things go" Jax says

"well let me make this fucking clear to you Jackson. you go to red woody and watch porn being made or go to Dosa and watch someone get fucked. hell even here. then I will fucking go to vegas and watch male performers like those in that movie. and I fucking dare your ass to try and stop me" I say

He says nothing knowing damn good and well I mean what I say.

"I'm right there with you" Gemma says

"me too" Cluida says

"yep" Wendy replied

"no" Happy says

"don't fuckin think so" Chibs says

"hell fucking no" Nero says

"do it and see if I fucking don't" the ladies says before we all leave to head home.


A/N: the imagine before this one, this one, and the one after this was made into the story Only you

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