service dog( requested) (made as story)

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I've had Theo every since I was sixteen. he is my second seeing eye service dog. See I'm blind and I have to have help doing everyday things. 

a biggest majority of what I do is alone. now I'm not alone in this world I have my father Happy lowman. and he's part a biker club. my mother abandon me when she learned I was blind. she said she didn't want a child that was blind cause it was a curse and she didn't need that in her life. so she dropped m off at my fathers house and left.

my dad struggled so long to do things since I'm blind and I feel like a burden since I cant do anything like a normal person.

I had told him to send me away so I'd not be a burden to him he all but whooped my ass telling me to never say such shit ever again.

he had introduced me to his club family and everyone had been welcoming and protective of me.

I grew a family with the club.

I had taught myself how to get dress, where things in my room was,where my bathroom was, where everything is located. how to bath myself. and other things. 

I have Theo to help me go places. al lI have to do is tell him where we are going and he is leading the way.

"alright Theo. we are gonna head to dad's work and see if he's there" I say as grabbed his lead and knelt down before reaching for him till I felt his long fur.

I brushed my hand upward towards his head till I felt his collar then I moved my hand around till I felt the loop. once I clasped his lead and I grabbed his vest I felt around and slipped it on him careful to not velcrow his fur into it.

"alright boy. you ready?" I asked as I slowly stood back up and reached for my sunglasses and stick.

when I heard movement and felt Theo's fur brush against me that told me he was infact ready to go.

I reached down and grabbed the keys I brushed my finger along the top to feel the design to tell which was for the house.

I took hold of Theo's lead and we walked towards the door.


I could hear so much commotion and different machinery when I got closer to dads work.

"seems like a pack house Theo" I say

he gave a soft bark in reply as he lead me onto the lot.

"hey look is sleeping beauty" I heard

I reached my hand out to feel who it was.

the sound of clinking was heard as the person got closer. I carefully brushed my hand up their arm to their hair and giggle.

"Hi Tiger" I say feeling those mess of curls

"Hi baby" he says before carefully hugging me.

"dad here?" I asked

"in the garage working on some piece of shit" he says

"I'll wait" I say

"come sit and I'll have kip get you a soda" he says

"thank you. & please get Theo some water" I say

"of course cant let this hard worker go with out" he says

when I feel Theo's lead straight I knew we was moving so I followed.

"Table is right in front of ya Lass" I hear

"greetings Scotty" I say

"Hi Lass" Chibs says as he came and kissed my cheek after I sat down while Theo. jumped up on the picnic table seat and sat beside me.

"how are you?" I asked

"great" he says

"that's good.

"Darlin how are you?" 

"Jackie boy. I'm doing great. how are you and little man?" I asked

a soft laugh was heard

"I'm fine and he's growing like a weed," he says

"Awww..." I gush

"you staying outta trouble? " I hear before someone stood before me.

I reached out and touched them and brushed my hand upward feeling them move down. when I feld some type of soft fabric i knew who it was.

"you know me giant. I'm trouble with a capitol t" I say

he took my hand that wasn't on his face and and kissed my knuckles.

I had a huge crush on him but I didn't utter a word cause I didn't want to be a laughing joke. or burden. bad enough I am with my dad. don't need to be that way with him.

"how are your babies?" I asked

"great. they are enjoying being able to have double of everything" he says

I chuckled 

"here you are sleeping beauty" Tig says

I felt something cold touch my hand. and heard Theo drinking.

"thank you Tiger," I say as I went to feel for the opening.

"here" I hear

the next thing I hear is the sound of pressure being released.

"thank you" I say as I carefully bring the drink to my lips and take a sip.

"Hi baby girl."

" hi daddy" I say

 he walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he took a drink of my soda and handed it back.

"thanks for asking" I joked

He pecks my cheek again.

"welcome" he says

I shook my head as I sit there drinking my pop and spending time with my family.


@Babyskunk1999  hope you like it

story is called - its called you make me happy 

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