sneaking candy

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today was just a fun filled day. there was so much candy and treats that all the kids would surly crash for sugar rush.

Daivd had crashed out for a few hours when Happy and I took him home. 

but apparently our little man didn't want to stay sleeping and wanted more candy.

"nope. you've had more than enough" I tell him

"aw... but momma" he says

"no you eat any more an you're teeth will fall out" I tell him

He looked at me before looking at Happy who just gave him a look.

"oh... alright" he says

"now what do you want for dinner?" I asked

"Sally's " he says

I looked at Happy.

"sound good?" I asked

he nodded his head moved the toothpick around.

"well lets go" I say

later on when all of us was asleep I heard mine and happy's bedroom door open. 

I knew who it was and what he was up to but I played like I was still asleep when I heard David wake Happy.

"daddy" he says 

when the movement of the bed I knew he was shaking him.

"daddy" he says trying to whisper but failed

"what is it bud?" Hapyp asked

"shhh..momma's still sleeping come with me" he says

I had to keep from smiling or anything to give away I was awake as Hapyp and David slipped outta the bedroom.

I woke and quietly as possible slipped outta the room and titp toed thought the house to the kitchen.

and what did I see. but the candy bandit sneaking candy.

"shhh..don't tell mommy" he says

Hapy put his finger to his lips and nodded

David giggled before he went to ear his candy.

"caught you little man" I say

 he screamed and dropped his candy.

"Momma" he says

"yea... momma" I say

he started pointing while looking down, while Happy just sat there.

"what did mommy say?" I asked

"no more candy" he say

"and what are you and daddy doing?" I asked

"sneaking candy" he says still looking down

"uh-huh" I say

"I sorry" he says

"nocandy for a whole three weeks, and you go to any more play dates after tomorrow for at least two weeks" I say

He nodded his head

"and you daddy. your in trouble too" I say looking at Happy.

"I'm innocent" he says

"you grabbed the candy and you didn't tel lhim no like I had. so you're not innocent mister. you will be punished too" I say

He put the candy down and started pouting.

"Off to your room David." I say

He nods before he tells happy good night then walks by me mumbling goodnight.

I walked p and cleaned the dropped candy before I looked Happy point blank in the eyes.

"No sex for you for two weeks" I say

his jaw dropped.

"off to bed for you as well" I say

he did just like David as he headed off.

once I had everything cleaned up and put away I went to David's room and tucked him back in and kissed I'm goodnight.

"you cant do this anymore David. Its not right to not listen to mommy and have daddy go against me" I tell him

"I sorry" he says

"I know. but you have to learn from this" I tell him

he nods his head

"love you so much baby boy" I say before kissing his cheek nd getting one in return.

"love you too momma" he says

I walked out the door turning to blow him a kiss before closing his door behind me.

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