Sexy man

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( T-r-o-u-b-l-e   part 2) 

Sat there talking with some of the guys as the hang arounds and croweaters or whores wandered around.

I turned around and took in the room before my eyes landed on that heavily tatted man I was told his name is Happy. 

But hopefully, by the end of the night, he'll be papi.

He was playing pool with the guy who I found out his name to be Tigs. while Chibs the scarred man and the tall guy Opie watched as they downed their beers.

"so beautiful do you come here often?" 

I looked from my sinter wet dream to some guy.

"no" I replied

"I'm Curtis" he says

"I'm not interested sorry" I say

"its all good you never know unless you try" he says

I gave a half smile and went back to looking at  Happy til the pecker fuck grabbed my ass and tit.

I smashed the beer bottle over his head then I kneed him in the nuts and bashed his head off the top of the bar.

"don't fucking ever group me like that you piece of shit. cause the fucking next time I'll cut your fucking cock off" I say before I haul off and kick him real hard in his balls before I took the heel of my foot and stomped on them.

 he screamed out gaining those who were not looking already attention.

"prospect escort that asshole out of here."

I brushed my hair back before I walked off to wash my hands.

"need help?"

I looked up and saw Happy.

"yea I don't know if I have glass shards in my hand or not" I say

he walks in and shuts the door. I hear the lock and I inwardly smirk.

he takes my hands gently in his and examines them very thoroughly.

"I don't see any" he says

"thank you" I say

"welcome" he replied

I smiled

"you know you don't hide watching me" he says

"wasn't trying to hide it, baby. I was wanting you to know I was watching you" I say

He shook his head

"what?" I asked

"its Papi to you" he says as he shoves me back against the wall and grabs my face and ass and starts kissing me.

I cling to him and hold the back of his head as we both fight for control of the kiss.

he spanks my ass.

"oh yes papi. spank my ass" I moaned against his lips.

"I'm in control" he says

"We'll see papi" I say before I push him back and press myself up against him and grab his face as I dominate him before I practically strip him down.

"remove your shirt or I'll shred it" he orders

"untie the front" I tell him 

he does as I said and unclasped the bra from the front before he laid his head down and started suckling on my breast while unfastening my shorts and shoving them off. I jumped up in his arms and started kissing him as I slipped down on his hard cock.

ha slapped my ass and started bouncing me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and moaned.

we filled that bathroom up with wet skin slapping sounds, moans, cries, and pleading for more as well as grunts and groans.

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