I dont think so

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I was in Tara's office at the hospital waiting for the whore to come in cause I am about to beat the fuck outta her.

She came in apparently not seeing me but I was recording her cause she makes her self bleed into mthr stomach but hides it. I stop the recording and c omence to beating her ffucking ass before Gemma walks in.

"you think you're gonna take my son from me and give it to some stranger who kisses your ass. I don't fucking think so" I say

"what I do with my family is my business" she says trying to act tough.

I popped her in the mouth and she went to swing but I grabbed her hand and head butted her in the face.

"Abel is my son. not yours, and you trying to forger my signature stating I am giving Margret guardianship is illegal you dumb whore" I say 

I let her go and Gemma socks her right in the mouth. she bends over and screams while grabbing her stomach.

Margert rushes into the room while Unser.

"what happened?" she asks

"they caused me to miscarry" Tara accused.

a doctor an nurse came in then a few minute later in comes Jax and he sees tara bleeding and rushes over to her.

"everyone get the fuck out" I say

when Margret ges to leave I grab her

"I don't think so" I say

"Unser block the door no one leave or comes in. and if there are gun shots ignore them" I say

he nods and walks out while Chibs and Gemma stand there.

"sit your ass down right fucking now" I say and shove Margret towards the desk.

"clean up the fucking blood Tara you wasn't pregnant and you literaittly cut yourself before Gemma walked into the room." I say

"have some respect" Jax says

"kiss my ass Jackson that fucking whore thinks she can have my son and give that trash right there guardianship. well its not fucking happening. Able is mine I've not given anyone the rights of him. that little whore your holding isn't innocent I fucking recorded her cutting her stomach to make he self bleed you don't believe me here you go" I say before I turned the phone towards him and hit play.

he seen how Tara cut her self making herself bleed then tossed the object. after the video ended I put my phone back.

"No Murphy you will tell Jax the fucking truth and don't even try to lie to save your ass or that piece of shit that's hopefully bleeding to death." I say

"what are you talking about Baby?" Gemma asked

"Tara faked her pregnancy so that you cant get the boys. if something happens to her and Jax. but the piece of shit doctor didn't play it smart. for more than one reason. the main one bing she has no say in what happens to Abel. never has and never will" I say

Jax looked at Tara who was still bleeding.

"is she telling the truth?" he asked

"no" Tara says 

I walked up yanked Jax away and bashed her face in the cement wall.

"now before I decorate this little office with your brains. I'd suggest you come clean" I say before I drew my gun and poitnied it at her.

"alright...yes... I want my boys" 

I looked at her

"I want Tommy to never have the life you did. its not worth a shit and my son is better then this" she says

"funny how the whore says that yet where did she come running back to when Khon was after her ass? who did she fuck till she got knocked up with Tommy? who did she marry ?" I asked

"Jackson. and Charming" Gemma says

"now Murphy its your turn" I say

"I have nothing to say" she says

I grabbed my other gun and pointed it at her.

"try again this time don't fucking lie" I say

"alright. we've given plenty of information that Tara knows of the club to the feds. I gave what I knew the sons forced Tara to do" she says

Once she said that I put I bullet between her eyes making Tara scream.

I pointed my second gun at her.

"do that again and I'll scatter your brains on the ceiling," I say

she shut up.

"now Jackson, you gave up a good woman for a lowlife piece of shit who not only faked carrying your third child. but also ratted the club out. I bet you feel like a man knowing this shit bag is what you picked over a woman who birthed your first son your first child. who saved your ass and the clubs ass so many times. who never turned her back on you or took a coward's way out. I bet you fucking love marrying this dump who sang like a fucking canary." I say

"no I don't" he says

"Gemma love grab that document peaking out of my bag" I say

once she does I have her bring it over with the pen that was on the desk.

"Now here is whats gonna happen you swine. you will sign this document. and if you try anything you will be filled with bullet holes." I tell Tara

"what is it?" she asked

"don't worry about it just fucking sign" I say pressing the gun harder against her head.

she takes the pen and does as told.

"now Gemma give her the second one" I say

after Gemma swapped the Documents and Tara signed them. Gemma took the paperwork and pen.

"wanna say your goodbyes Jax?" I asked

"no" he says

I filled Tara up with bullets two in the head and three in the heart before I put my guns away.

"what about Roosevelt?" he asked

"don't worry about him he's been dealt with as had that woman that was trying to bargain deals with you" I say before I took the documents and grabbed my purse before I walked out giving Chibs a kiss on the cheek.

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