Don't act innocent when....(made into story)

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I was teasing and messign around with Jax like I always do. as well as ribbing him.

"Don't act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago." he replied

"yea I was drinking water" I replied

"no you was sucking my cock like a good slut you are for daddy" he says

"and where was your mouth after I sucked your dick?" I asked

he grinned as he leaned over since I was sitting with him on the couch with my feet on his lap.

"I was sucking your clit and tounging your tight little pussy" he says

"naughty boy Jaxxy" I say

He smiled before he sat up and pulled me till I was laying down.

"I want more" he says

"I want fucked" I replied

"with my fingers, tongue, or this dick?" he asked

"well only one can shoot baby making sperm inside of me so I'll go with cock....daddy" I say

He pushed his sweats down and kicked them off before He laid over me and started kissing me.

"you are one giant pain in my ass" he says

"gotta make sure daddy is kept on his toes" I replied before I slapped his ass making him moan.

"Oh daddy is kept on his toes with our baby boy" he says

"well lets give our son a sibling or two" I tell him

Before he could say another word I fisted his hair and pulled him down to me while I jerked his cock and lined him with my entry.

"don't tease Jax. we both want this so fucking much to play" I tell him after I let him go

He pushed into me and bottomed out before he slowly started moving.

"I love you, baby. and I enjoy our downtime where we joke, and tease and rib each other. it keeps our relationship alive and never dull" he says

"it's how we've always been daddy. just got more sexual when we got serious" I replied

He nodded his head before he bunched up my shirt and latched on to my breast.

I held his head there and gripped his ass losing myself in the pleasure my hubby was giving me.

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