"Let's get you out of those clothes."( made into story)

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I didnt know where else to go. it seemed like nothing for me was working the way I wanted it to or planned it to.

my girlfriend of three years had cheated on me.

 I came home and caught her in bed with the guy she claimed to be her brother and the girl she says was her sister but come to find out neither was who she says they were. in fact the guy is her fiance and so is the girl.

all this time she was just dragging me along playing me like a fool. 

Now here I sit on my bestfriends front door step in the downpour crying from the heart, anger, and pain that I felt.

"what in the fuck are you doing?" Jax asked

I lifted my head and looked at him and he could see just from looking at me that something was wrong.

"come on lets get you out of those clothes before you catch a cold or get hypothermia" he says as he pulls me up and into his house.

I stand there shivering and shaving from the temperature change.

he hurries us along to his room and gives me a pair of sweats I apparently had left here along with panties, and one of his shirts.

"shower, get dressed, then we'll talk" he says

I nodded my head while he walked out to clean the water before Abel wakes up and gets hurt.

After I showered and got dressed I walked out and sat with him on the couch.

"tell me what happened" he says

"she was playing me like a damn fool Jaxxy. she was engaged two a man and woman this whole time. the two people she claimed to be her brother and sister are actually the two she is engaged to. she lied telling me they was here siblings" I say

He pulled me into his arms as I started crying again and he held me close.

I actually though I was getting somewhere in life hen this comes and fucks me over like life is saying fuck you" I say

"no it's not. you are just experiencing heartbreak from a piece of shit who doesn't deserve happiness the way you do. I've seen you experience a lot worse than this and still come out on top" he says

I pulled back a little and looked at him.

"how can I come out on top with this one?" I asked

"give men a chance you'll see that not everyone is a piece of shit like your ex" he says

"and who do you have in mind for me to try my first time with a man?" I asked

"well if you want someone at the clubhouse," he says

I wiped my eyes and looked at him.

"what about you? we' know each other better then we know our own selves." I say

"would you want to be with me? cause I come with Abel " he says

"Jax I love Abel as if he was my very own son. I'd not want him and you both. I know with one comes the other and both of you mean so much to me" I tell him

"so you are really wanting to give this a go and see what happens?" he asked

"if you don't that's fine. I'll find someone" I replied

"No..no we'll do this I just wanted to make absolutely sure that this is what you want cause I don't want you to wake up the next day and regret everything because you're heartbroken," he says

I leaned in and started kissing him.

When we pulled back he smiled.

"alright we'll do this but at any time you wanna back out tell me," he says

I nodded my head before I leaned back in and started kissing him again.

despite me never doing anything like this with a guy before it really feels good doing this with my best friend.


A/N: Story is called my other half

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