I wouldn't blame you if you walked away(made into a story)

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Chibs and I never had a relationship where we were anything to each other. we were just friends with benefits of sorts.

and one night we got carried way with being reckless and I got pregnant.

so now here I am standing before him as he sits on his Harley. I had just told him I was pregnat.

"I wouldn't blame you if you walked away, you know. you never signed up for a baby." I tell him

he looks at me and takes off his shades before he stands up and point to my house.

I turn and walk into my place with im hot on my heels.

"Do you think so little of me?" he asked closing my front door.

"No I don't. I'm giving you the leeway to go and never look back." I tell him

"I dont want to go and never look back." he says

"you want this baby?" I asked

"to be honest with you that was my full intention that night. I knew you'd had thought we was being reckless and shit that night but I was fully committed to having you carrying my kid" he says

I was shocked.

"why?" I asked

"I am fucking in love with you. I don't want this friend with benefit shit anymore. I want you by my side, in my bed, carrying all the kids I can knock you up with. I want you to wear my wedding ring and have my last name" he says

"and what of your marriage to Fiona?" I asked

"It's been over for two weeks now the divorce was finalized that night," he says

"you completely want this all. cause I will not get into a serious relationship with you only for you to fuck around with different pussy thinking I'm gonna stay home barefoot and pregnant cause that's not fucking happening" I say

"I want it. and I will be as faithful as a biker to his club" he says

I sat down and thought it all over before I decided to just go for it.

"you cheat on me I'm leaving this town and taking our baby with me. do you understand me?" I asked

he sat before me.

"I understand," he says

"then Chibs I will gladly be all you want me to be. your wife, kid's mother, ol'lady, your bed partner,lover, everything" I tell him

he grabs my face and kisses me hard.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him to me deepening the kiss before we both break away.

"love you Lass" he says

love you too Chibby" I say 

he pecks my lips before he  moves to sit beside me and holds me in his arms.

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