T-R-O-U-B-L-E (made into a story)

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I walked into what I was told to be where a bar was at and all eyes turned my way.

"Howdy" I greeted

"hi" a gentleman with oxygen tubes in his nose says

the others seemed to be stunned while some were drooling.

I walked further into the room and took a seat at the bar.

"Hi" I greet

the short blonde looked stunned

"cat got your tongue?"I asked

he shook his head

"can you speak English?" I asked

he nodded his head

"can I have a beer or some Jamerson? I asked

He walked off to get that while I turned and seen everyone still looking at me.

"you gentleman ok?" I asked

"we're fine Lass just never seen Trouble walk through that door unless they wore a kutte" a Scottish man with scars says

"Im not trouble" I says

"darling you dressed like the women will take it as a challenge," a blue eyed blonde says

"I'm just here for my care to get new brakes. then I'll be gone" I say

"no please stay" I hear

I looked over my shoulder at the blonde.

"if I beat anyone's ass its on you" I say before I grab the beer he had in his hand.

he nodded his head.

"can it involve water if you get in a fight?" curls asked

I smirked before taking a drink of the beer.

"last I seen there isn't any inflatable pools or river near by" I say

"we've got water hoses," a mohawk guy says

"you lot act as if you've never seen a real woman with big boobs," I say

"not real" a tall long haired guy says

I give a slight nod.

"alright I'll stay a bit longer but if this place gets wrecked cause of some whore trying to fight me I am not paying the bill for damages" I tell them

"that's fine" blue eyed blonde says

"we'll see" I say before I finish my drink right as the guy with prosthetic hands came to get me.

I went to pay but the guy behind the bar pushed it away.

"on the house," he says

"thank you" I say before pocketing my money and walking out the club hearing the guys whistling.

"you are T.-R-O-U-B-L-E" a woman with a bird on her chest says

"so the Scottish man said" I say

She gave me my total and I paid.

"let me guess they asked you to stay on e they wiped the drool and picked up their jaw fro the floor" she says

"yeah and curls says if there is a fight he hopes water will be involved to which I told them there wasn't any pools or rivers. to which  Mohawk says they have hoses." I replied

she rolled her eyes.

"Men" she says

"they act like these are the first pair of tits they've seen" I say

"real" she says

"that's what blondie behind the bar said" I say

"do you plan on fuckng them?" she asked

"maybe a few but not all" I say

she arched her brow.

"I'm not a whore just like to enjoy the pleasure of men. its no gureentee that I'll fuck them. there could one one I didn't see and just fuck him insidtead.... hell I'd fuck you if your up for it" I say before I winked and walked out

I went back towards clubhouse when a bike strolled passed.

I watched the rider reverse it with the others before he climbed off.

He was covered in tatts and looked dangerous. which those type know how to fuck.

I licked my lips watching him approach.

"damn baby your fine as fuck" I say

he smirked and lifted his glasses up as he checked me out.

"who Lu's girl?" he asked

"no hunny I'm no porn star. she couldn't afford me." I say

 he smirked

"croweater?" he asked

"no. but I might just be your cock warmer tonight and nights to come if you want" I say while smirking.

he nodded his head before he walked into the clubhouse.

I stood there fanning myself.

"his name is happy."

I jumped and looked at the lady.

I smiled.

"I bet he's not happy. I bet he's someone you don't wanna cross" I say

"he is" she says

"and dangerous" I replied

" can be" she says

"my kind of lover" I say 

"beats multiple men" Gemma says

"you could've joined in" I say

"hunny you couldn't handle me" she says 

I looked at her

"I'd not bet on it sugar" I say

 she says nothing so I blew her a kiss before I walked back into the horny den.

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