Oh no, there is only one bed (made into story)

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After a long trip, Tig and I pulled over and I got us a hotel room. before we headed up.

I unlocked the door and flicked on the light before I moved so Tig could bring the items inside.

"There is only one bed," he says

"We are both mature adults Tig. I'm sure this won't be your first or last time sharing one bed with a woman. grant this one isn't gaped or a whore" I replied as I locked the door and turned the warm air on.

he smiled 

"depends on how you sleep," he says

"well, this hotel doesn't look shady or like hookers or nasty fuckers frequent it so there is a grand possibility the bed is clean. I will check before I give you a reply" I tell him

After I checked the bed for any things disgusting or bedbugs I started to strip.

"what are you doing?" he asked

"you wanted to know how I sleep Tig..well this is your answer. if you don't wanna sleep in the bed with me while I'm naked that is up you you" I tell him

He stripped down while watching me climb into the bed and get situated.

"do you cuddle?" he asked

"yea" I replied

"I'm fine with that. if you want to sleep on me too I'm good with that as well" he says

I nodded my head and watched him turn off the lights before he crawled into bed.

both of us were dead tired from the long ride. we practically crashed out a minute after our heads hit the pillow.

I woke to the feeling of penetration.

I opened my eyes and bit my lip feeling Tig moving inside of me. 

he somehow moved so he was laying on top of me and my legs were open which was easy access to him.

I looked and see he was asleep which meant him fucking me is him having a naughty dream.

I held him to me and enjoyed the sex I was getting. I mean I have a serious crush on Tig and with him inside of me despite him being asleep. it just makes all my fantasy dreams of us a reality.

His moans and mine mixed and filled the empty air. 

I carefully fisted his hair so I'd not disturb his slumber. when he stirred more as he came. I bit my lip as I coated his cock with my orgasm.

"fuck baby your pussy is incredible," he says as he opens his eyes and stops what he's doing.

"thank you" I replied

He lifted his head and looks at me.

"I thought this was a dream," he says

"nope. this is real Tiggy. your deep inside my pussy" I tell him before I lift my head up and start kissing him.

he goes back to fucking me as I wrap my arms around him and we both fully enjoy this.

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