Shut the hell up( made into a story)

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After learning the truth about the whole "miscarriage" Tara had mom and I headed to the hospital to try and talk sense into my brother.

When he rounds the corner to come to the daycare mom and I stand up when he stops and looks at mom.

"what are you doing here?" he asked

"we need to talk to you Jackson" I say 

he looks at me and then back at mom.

"I know about the restraining order but I need to talk with you" mom says

"I've got nothing to say to you." Jax says

I sighed knowing he's feeding into this fucking bullshit Tara had fed him.

"but I gotta say this to you" mom says before she starts to defend herself by telling her side of the story.

"you're a liar and a sick twisted bitch" Jax says

"Shut the hell up Jackson. you don't know shit about what happened. you fucking wasn't there ok. so before you open your fucking mouth and get popped in it I suggest you sit your ducking asss down before I make you" I say getting in his face.

he looks at me pissed

"now asshole" I say

he sits down.

"now you will sit there and shut the fuck up or so help me I'll whop your ass" I say

"why are you in this? it was your niece or nephew she killed" he says

"if you would shut the fuck up and let her talk you'd hear that the whole thing was a fuckign set up. but no you only hear what Tara tells you. well guess what Jackson shes not fucking telling the truth" I say

"how would you know?" he asked

I handed him the medical record.

"read that" I say

he looks at it.

"this could be made up" he says

"oh fuck the love of sons," I say before I show him pictures of Tara taking a small blood bag and putting it in her coat, then I showed where Margret had removed it and tossed it aside.

"this was tampered with" he says

"I grabebd him by his kutte and yanked his ass up and slammed him hard against the wall.

"your not fucking stupid Jackson. you're just being filled with fucking lies." I say

"what's going on here?" margret asked

I smirked and let him got before I grab Margret.

"tell jack the truth or lose your job. cause I'm sure the board of directors is just gonna love hearing all the shit I've got on you. " I say

she looks at me with fear before she starts spilling everything.

"good girl now run along and enjoy your job while you have it" I say

she looks at me with disbelief but I only smile.

Once she left I looked at Jax.

"say you're sorry to mom right now," I tell him

"I'm sorry," he says

"Now here is what you'll do, you are gonna go get my nephews and then take them home. you'll not let Tara know you know about her fucking lie and scheme. you will get a hold of Lowen and make sure you fix the whole shit making me or mom their guardians 'cause if I have to come to visit Tara. well, you know how much I can't stand her and am wanting to beat the hell or life outta her. am I understood?" I asked

he nodded his head

I patted his cheek.

"good boy" I say before I grabbed up the proof and left with mom.


A/N:story is called neverending happiness

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