"I can never get enough of your taste."

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From the time he walked through the front do till he crawled into bed with me Happy has been right between my legs licking and sucking my pussy and clit making me cum over and over again.

I fisted the sheets and tried to close my legs but he wasn't having that. he hooked his arms over my legs and held them open.

I whinned and moaned from the sensitive and the amazing feeling.

"I can never get enough of your taste" he says after lifting up a second.

"its not that great" I replied

he stopped licking my pussy and just looked at me.

"its better than great mami. I've never thought that any pussy could be so damn addicting. and yet yours is" he says

"cause we are married" I replied

He shook his head

"cause I am fucking addicted to this pussy. hell I've been addicted to her since you first let me eat her out" he says

I decided to mess with him a bit just harmless teasing.

"is that why you got so keen on making me your ol'lady?" I asked

He lifted his head up more and fully looked at me.

"I made you my ol'lady mami 'cause I've never wanted anyone as much as I wanted you. you are the only woman that I want to experience life with. from being married to having a family. this tasty pussy of yours was just a little added bonus" he says

I smiled and nodded my head.

"Now would you like to make any more comments or anything? or can I go back to testing on your pussy before I fuck her hard and raw filling her with my babies" he asked

"nope. I'm good for now" I tell him

 gives me a look and I wink at him watching him shake his head at me before he goes back to eating my pussy.

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