" you're not alone. it takes a village to raise a kid, right? "

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I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked back and forth in front of Jax.

"hey" he says but I don't pay any attention

He takes hold of my hand and stops my pacing.

"its gonna be ok" he says

"how will it be ok Jax I'm pregnant and the dad is a fucking dead beat. I should've known better" I say

 " you're not alone. it takes a village to raise a kid, right?" he asked

"that's the thing Jax I don't live in a village I like around bikers" I tell him

"which is much better," he says before he lifts my shirt and kisses my stomach.

"you have me," he says

I rake some of his blonde locks back.

"do I?" I asked

He looks up at me.

"if you'll have me," he says

"you want to be with me knowing I'm carrying another man's child?" I asked

 he pulled me down on the bed making me lay down before he laid beside me as he softly rubs and caresses my stomach and body.

"I dont care if you're carrying another man's baby. I am man enough to take on the role of their father. to show you that not all men are deadbeats when they fuck women and knock them up. and that there are men in this world that will take the birth father's place and do a much better job than them" he says

I smiled and nodded my head

"so you'll be my ol'lady and allow me to be their father?" he asked

"yeah," I say 

he pecks my lips before he moves down and kisses my stomach before coming back up to give me a proper kiss.

I hum against his lips as I hold the back of his neck keeping him right there.

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