Please tell me...

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I've been married to Chibs for more than two years. and I've not met his club family. 

it wasn't due to him being embarrassed of me or anything. just wanted to keep me unknown so I'd be safe.

and that had worked up till I hadn't heard anything from him and I heard over the news about an explosion.

which that scared the hell out of me.

I jumped in my car and sped over to the garage and parked it before I raced out barley shutting my door as the tears fell freely.

"can I help you?" I heard

I turned to face this woman.

"please tell me he is ok" I say

"who are you talking about?" she asked

"Filip" I say

I wiped the tears and sniffled while she looked at me oddly.

"he's fine" she says

"where is..."

I barely could finish my sentence before I heard

"Lass. what are you doing here?" 

I took off towards my husband and jumped in his arms and started crying more.

He held me and tried to comfort me as I sobbed and spoke.

"easy lass I cant understand ya" he says

I sniffled and clung to him.

He started moving all while keeping me in his arms.

"who is that?" I heard

"I'll explain later" Chibs says

"is she ok?" another person asked

"I'm gonna find out" Chibs replied

the sounds of him messign with a door was heard before he sat me down and knelt before me.

He woiped the tears and helped me calm down.

"now tell me what's wrong" he says

"I'm sorry I came here. but when I heard that there was an explosion I thought the worst since I didn't hear from you like usual. I didn't think of anything but knowing if you was alive and alright" I tell him 

"its alright baby. I understand why you done it. hell I'd done the same had I been in your shoes" he says

I threw my arms around him and held him close.

"I never want to go through that ever again." I tell him

"I'll do my damndest not to frighten you so badly." he says

"I understand that there are times you'll fight with people and be shot at. its what happens when you have the job you do. and I support you which you know." I say

"I understand what your saying lass." he says

"do you hate me for it?" I asked

"never" he says 

I pulled back and looked at him before he wiped the remainder tears away.

"there is my darling Lass" he says

I gave a small smile.

"lets go share the news and get this over with" he says

I nodded me head and stood up with him.

when he went to walk off I grabbed his hand and pulled him back and started kissing him.

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