"Of course I'm pregnant! Can't you see that?"

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I was spending some time at the clubhouse before I was possibly gonna be put on bed rest since I'm so close to my due date.

"are you pregnant?" 

I looked up at some prospect 

"No this is just a huge motherfucking water melon." I say rolling my eyes

" Of course I'm pregnant! Can't you see that?" I asked

 "Well, I didn't want to assume and be rude." he says

before I could reply Chibs walks out and told the prospect to fuck off and stop bothering me.

"Easy there Love" he says

"the never of some fuckers" I say

"I know but don't let him get you all twisted up" he says

"I'd like to twist his nosy ass up if not put a bullet in his fucking nosy ass," I say loud enough for the prospect to hear

while he pales the others that heard what happened just laugh.

"come on Lass lets get you home," Chibs says

"yea before I rid the Sons of a prospect," I say taking Chibs's hands

he pulls me up and wraps his arm around me before walking with me out the door.

that prospect hasn't been the only one to ask me if I was pregnant. some fuck heads in town ask the same stupid shit and lie I said to the prospect. nope, it's just a huge watermelon." 

they tell me I don't have to be rude they were just being curious. which I told them to fuck off and mind their own business.

Once Chibs and I got home I went to the kitchen and got myself something cold to drink before I headed to our room where I was gonna get a head start on bed rest.

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