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I'm a criminal who makes their money breaking the law. sorta like the sons that think they run Charming.

the other day I had a run in with some of them and lets just say me and the Prez got into it.

I could hear motorcycles coasting up the road and I thought nothing of it cause plenty of bikes come and go through here.

when I heard 

"well what do we have here?" 

I looked up and seen four men. one was smiling like he caught a wanted man or some shit.

"I am a woman, which you've probably never seen one with real body parts and tits that you cant mistake for an A cup. and I'm sure you've seen Cars and  bikes before. after all you've just rode in on you bikes" I replied

his smile dropped.

"you're the one that's been causing my club some serious issues" he says

I stood up

"no cause I don't handle shit in charming, so run along and pin your shit on someone else" I say

"your in charming" Curls says

"on the contrary Curls I'm on the outskirts of charming" I replied

he stood there like he was thinking about it.

"look I came here to tell you to pack your shit and leave. or I'll hand the evidence of all these stolen bikes and cars to the cops" blondie says

"go ahead but when the feds come beating on your door just know I sent them as a form of pay back" I say while smiling.

"you've got nothing on me" he says

"I'd not bet my life on it Blondie" I say

he glared at me.

"don't try to start shit with me cause I'll come back and fuck your world up. you'll not have anything fucking left. not even a pot to piss in. so you and your men run along and play some place else" I say

"I'll be watching you" he says

"and piss off your little flat-chested wifey... I don't think she'd like you watching me and my voluptuous breast while she sits at home playing "mom" to her boys when she fucking looks like dad" I say

he storms up and gets in my face.

"watch your fucking mouth" he says

"I'm not like the other women you deal with. I will not allow you to order me around like your my fucking boss. I'll beat your fucking ass" I tell him

He snarls at me.

"now for the last motherfucking time. get off my property and never come back" I say

"this isn't over" he says

"try anything and you'll spend the rest of your life wonder what the fuck happened. your sons will be in the system and your club will be gone for good" I warned

they all looked at me pissed off but I didn't give two shits. they come onto my property and try to run me. well that isn't ever gonna happen.

"Buh-bye now little boy" I say 

he glares at me before he and his boys walk off.

I got back to what I was doing while they rode off. 

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