I forgot my towel( made into a story)

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I wasnt aware that someone had walked into the apartment that I was using to clean up.

I walked out of the bathroom having forgotten to grab a towel and I didn't notice the biker on the bed.

when I heard a slight noise I looked at him and seen him taking in my ink.

"I forgot my towel" I say

"I'm not fucking complaining," he says

"I'd say not from your boner" I replied

he grabbed a pillow and covered himself.

"Want help?" I asked

he looked taken back.

"what?" he asked

"you want help. I'm not a whore or slut. just offering help since I caused the boner" I say

"who are you?" he asked

I walked up to him still nude as hell and offered my hand out.

"I'm the new mechanic" I say 

he looked from my stomach up to my tits before he fully looked at my eyes.

"I'm happy" he says

"I'd say" I replied

he smiled before he went to move so I stepped back.

"no that's my name" he says

"I've heard about you. I was jus messin with you" I say

"you've heard of me?" he asked

"plenty of the prospect complain about the tatted son who is silent and wont talk to them. which I find it funny since you've been talking to me" I say

"I pick who I wnt to talk with. they don't get spoke to unless we order them to do something" he says

"so I've learned" I replied dropping my hand since he wasn't gonna shake it.

"you gonna get dried off?" he asked

"wanna help. I mean you could lick my pussy make sure she's thoroughly clean" I say 

"fucking hell" he says as he goraned.

"may I?" I asked

he nodded his head fast so I reached down and undone his pants before I freed his cock and started jerking him off.

"damn baby I've never seen one this big. makes me jelly of the pussy you fuck." I commented

he says nothing just grunts as he enjoys the hand job.

I take him by surprise when I take him in my mouth and really blow his world.

he didn't know weather to hold my head of fist my hair as I sucked his cock good.

he staggered a bit before he collected himself and busted in my mouth.

I hummed around him before I swallowed and licked the rest off his cock then tucked him back in his jeans fixed his pants and stood back up.

"how's that baby?" I asked

"th....thank you" he says

I winked at him before I turned and grabbed the towel before heading back into the bathroom.

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