"I thought the doctor put you on bed rest? "

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With my pregnancy nearing the end I was supposed to be on bed rest but there was just so much to do.

I couldn't just lay in bed and not do anything I'd be driven mad especially when I'm home alone.

I did however do the simplest things that wouldn't put a strain on my body or cause any issues.

which is just where Happy found me.

 "I thought the doctor put you on bed rest? " he asked

"she did but I couldn't let this go any longer. besides, if I stay in bed alone I'll be driven mad. I'll be grumpy then there will be two of Snow whites dwarfs in this house" I say

He shakes his head before he takes what is in my hand and places it down before he walks me right back to the bed.

"get your beautiful ass in that bed and don't get out unless you need to use the bathroom," he says

"what is this daddy mode? cause to be honest I just got wet from it" I tell him

He just looks at me not saying a word.

"its your fault I got wet being at daddy and shit" I say

" I'll make you a deal" he says

"alright" I say 

"you stay in bed for the remainder time you're pregnant with our baby girl and when you get cleared I'll fuck you so damn good you'll not know anything but who I am" he says

I bit my lip and moaned

""do we have a deal?" he asked

I nodded my head

"No.. no... I want to hear you say it" he says

"yes sir....daddy" I say 

He leaned down and kissed me before he covered me up and handed the remote control to me.

"are you gonna come join me?" I asked

"I will straight up around the living room," he says

"Oh no. you don't. you come home from work so you'll not be doing any house work. if need to end prospects here tomorrow and do it" I say

"alright mami" he says before taking off his kutte and boots then crawling into bed having shut the door before hand.

I cuddled up with him and laid my head on his chest.

"Love you," I say

"love you too mami," he says.

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