"We need to go shopping! baby clothes..."

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(part two of heartbeats)

Since learning that I am carrying Quadruplets Happy has practically made lists of so many things we have to do or we must get.

"We need to go shopping, get baby clothes, maternity clothes, furniture, all of it" he says as he continued to write more and more.

"Happy baby. please don't freak out about this. we'll get everything we need in due time" I tell him

he stops writing and looks at me.

"when is due time?" he asked

I walked up to him and started rubbing his back. 

"in the storage shed out back is some baby items from when I was little. they are unisex so it could be for either gender. there is a paly pen, some baby toys, and some other things. we'll go through that and see what is in good condition then we'll go from there that way we don't spend more then needed" I tell him

"you can move anything," he says

"that's why some of the guys are coming over to help you" I say

right before he could reply the guys showed up and I let them in before I headed outside with them and unlocked the storage shed and moved out of the way.

"baby items are in the front. the play pen is in the middle by the dresser." I tell them

Once all the items that was mine as a baby were brought out and the things that wasn't needed was put back I locked the shed back up and followed the guys inside.

"thank you all so much. there is plenty of beer in the fridge help your selfs" I say before I sat down and start going through the boxes.

"so how many did the doctor say you're carrying?" Jax asked

"Quadruplets" I say

"shit... poor lass" Chibs says 

"it's not gonna be that bad, I just cant stay on my feet long and I have to me more careful about doing things. but I know I'll be perfectly fine and this pregnancy will be healthy and very happy. our babies will come into this world with no issues and I'll be able to experience mother hood with my husband by my side" I say

"that's the best way to think of it" Opie says

I went back to what I was doing while the guys gave Happy pointers since every single one of them is a dad and has experienced this whole new dad thing.

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