"Do you think I'll make a good father?"

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I watched Happy as he rubbed my stomach and got lost in deep thought before he leaned down and kissed my stomach then sat up and looked at me.

"do you think I'll make a good father?" he asked

"the absolute best our baby can ever have," I tell him

"why do you think that with how my record and shit is?" he asked

"Happy I've known you for a very long time. and I know how you really are. your record doesn't cover the fact that you are a very loving person who protects those that are his family. yeah, you have a killer demeanor to cover that caring part. but I've seen all  sides of you so I know that when our baby arrives you'll be so protective of them and love them that they'd never ever feel as if they are without" I tell him

"but I never pictured myself in this position" he says

"well baby that's what happens when you fuck me with no condoms and you enjoy filling my pussy up with your cum till you leak outta me for days to come" I tell him

"its fucking increadble fucking your pretty pussy raw" he says

"I love feeling you with no protection." I agree with him

when he says nothing in reply I take hold of his hand.

"do you want to be in their lives?" I asked

he looked at me.

"I'm not gonna abandon them," he says

"I never stated that. I simply asked you if you want to be in their lives." I say

"of course I do. I'm just terrified" he says

"baby this is new to me too. and honestly never pictured myself as a mother nor did I ever dream of it. and now that I'm pregnant it terrifies me that I'm gonna do something to make them sick or fuck their lives up" I say

he shook his head.

"no baby you'll love them and care for them and nurture them," he says

"and you will protect them, love them and care for them as well" I tell him

"we are in this together" he says

"that's right," I tell him

"Just don't give up on me when I struggle," he says

"Happy I've never given up on you since day one of knowing the real you" I tell him

He nods his head knowing that I was being honest.

"we made this baby together and we'll love them and be there for them together. I'll be your rock and you'll be mine" I say

"always" he says

I pecked his lips before wrapping my arm around him and held him to me as he continues to rub my stomach.

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