"Hello Handsome"

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There was this beautiful stranger that would often come into the diner where I work and he managed to always sit in my section.

He's a charmer and a flirt. not to mention he's got that bad boy look and walks with a bit of swag.

I knew a lot of people would warn me to stay away from people like him. cause they like to judge based on looks and shit. 

but after so many times  I've seen him and the short talks we've had I cant help but be drawn to him.

I was pulling a double shift when he walked in carrying a little guy.

"Hi sit where you all want" I greeted

"will do" he replied

I looked up and saw him and noticed the boy looked like him.

I smiled as I watched the two slide into a booth and the little guy hand the older one the menu.

after I served the customers their drinks and too the food orders I skated over to them.

"hello welcome to Johnny's diner what can I get you boys to drink?" I asked

" do you have chocolate milk?" little guy asked

"I do believe we do handsome. if not I'mm make you some ...but you cant tell anyone" I say to him

he nodded his head while I wrote down his drink order.

"and for you darlin?" I asked

"same please" he says

"alright two chocolate milks coming up" I say

since we didn't have any I took some hersey syrup and mixed it into a cup before I took it out to them.

"I'll be right back for your food order" I say 

"take your time" blue eyes says

I skated over to my other tables and took their food order before I handed the last customer their check.

"alright handsome do you know what you'd like to eat?" I asked as I squatted down to his level.

after he told me blue eyes told me.

I put their order in them minutes later served them.

after everyone left including the manager and cook them two and me was the last ones there.

I cleaned the place up and went to check on them.

"please sit" blue eyes says

so I slip into the booth across from them.

" I'm Jax and this is my son Abel" blue eyes says

"hi handsome" I greeted

"hi "Able greeted

"you know you are very handsome young man" I tell him

he blushed a bit while smiling.

"thank you" welcome

We sat there talking before they left after Jax of course paid his bill.

I finished cleaning up and counted the money before I locked the place up and left.

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