I got em( made into story)

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When I got home I could hear some music but it wasn't loud enough to bother the boys if they were sleeping.

I locked the door and slipped off my shoes before I hung up my coat and walked through the house to check on Abel and Tommy before I dropped my purse off in the master bedroom then headed towards where the music was coming from.

It was there that I seen Jax working on his dad's bike which was damaged in the clubhouse explosion. it wasn't damaged beyond repair but it was bad enough.

I took in everything and my heart swooned when I saw the baby monitor close to the bike.

"Hi baby" I greeted

Jax placed the back part of his dad's bike down and looked over at me smiling.

"Hi Darlin" he greeted

"you been working on it a long time?" I asked

"Nah. just started a few moments ago" he replied before flicking his cigarette.

I walked up to him grabbed his face and kissed him before I pulled back and picked up the baby monitor.

"I got em," I tell him

"you need to sleep," he says

"you joining me?" I asked

He looks at the bike and then nods his head before putting his cig out and turning the music off.

I reached my hand out toward him and he takes it and allows me to lead him outta the garage.

We both shower before crawling into bed.

I had placed the monitor on my side so I'd hear if Tommy woke.

Jax rolled over and looked at meI smiled before I opened my arms.

he pecked my lips and wrap his arm around my before he laid his head down on my breast.

"love you Jaxxy. you and our boys are my world" I tell him

"I love you and I know they love you too" he says

"that's all I could ever need" I tell him before I kissed the top of his head wrapped my arms around him.

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