" doesn't matter if I'm not the father. I'm here to support you and this baby."

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I was honestly scared about how I was gonna be a single mom to my baby. 

I knew that no matter what I wasn't gonna give them up or abandon them. cause know firsthand just how that feels. 

ANd I had made a vow when I was younger that if I ever have a baby I'm not gonna be like my shitty mom and abandon them. or be like the sperm donor I have for a father and keep denying them.

I had become pregnant by one of the guys that was part of my best friend's wedding. I was the maid of honor and he was a grooms men. 

we had a night out in town one thing lead to another and I became pregnant. when I had told my friend she told me that I need to abort my baby that it ruin the guy's life. that he doesn't need some bastard child.

safe to say I beat her fucking ass and ended our friendship.

when I was gonna tell the guy about my pregnancy he was shipped off to war where he was killed in action.

So I headed back home to Charming where childhood friend Happy was and I got me a two bedroom house.

from day one of me telling Happy about my pregnancy and what all happened he's been right there with me every chance he gets.

and I am very thankful to have him in my life. I just don't want to over use or make him feel as if I'm using him for something.

Which is what I had just told him as we sat in my house talking while the show we are watching commercials.

"you're not gonna make me feel as if you're using me for anything. I'm doing this cause I want to." he says

"I just am starting to feel bad" I say

He turned my head so I was looking at him.

"doesnt matter if I'm not the father. I'm here to support you and this baby" he says

I started tearing up and getting all emotional.

"Happy you're not supposed to make me all emotional it's against the rules with pregnant women," I tell him

He sat up and wiped the tears from my eyes while smiling.

"I'm sorry baby. but its true" he says

"why do you want to support me and my baby?" I asked

"cause I love you. hell I've loved you for so long I just never showed it cause that's not me. which you know that. and I didn't know if I'd make you happy," he says

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to me kissing him.

"love you too Happy. and you do so much for me making me happy is one of the many things you do" I tell him

He pecked my lips.

"will you be my ol'lady and allow my name to go on the birth certificate for this baby?" he asked

I nodded my head before I leaned back in and started kissing him.

my fear of being a single parent vanished thanks to my ol'man. 

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