"I guess I'll just get off all by myself"

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I was in a joking mood and was really fucking horny for my favorite killer.

he had just gotten back home from doing a run two towns over.

I was in the dorm room he and I use for lockdowns.

" Hi mami" he greets 

"Hi Papi," I replied

 he kicked the door shut and locked it before making his way over to me.

I straighten up having just finished making the bed when he wraps his arms around me.

"I missed you," he says

"missed you too Papi," I say

" What did you do while I was gone?" he asked

"shopping for our house, helping Gemma shop for the garage and the clubhouse, cleaning the sheets and bleeding before I just spent time decompressing" I anwsered

After Hapyp and I stayed back in the dorm for a bit longer JT called church so Hapyp and I headed out to the main part.

"There is gonna be a party later," Gemma says

"every day is like a party for them boys" I replied

"yeah. but this is more so a success party," she says

the party was well underway and I was beyond ready to head home or to the dorm and ride Happy better then he does his Harley but apparently the game of pool was more interesting.

I walked over and leaned close to his ear.

"come play with me" I say

"after I bet Tig" he says

I shrugged my shoulders.

 "i guess I'll just get off all by myself" I say before I go to walk of

I made it into the room when Happy came and locked the door.

he looked at me like he was daring me to even try to pleasure myself.

"what happened to your game?" I asked

"chibs took over" he says

"That was a quick change of heart," I say

"you think I'm gonna allow you to pleasure yourself when I'm here?' he asked

"you wanted to play pool and not with me. so I figured I'd play with myself" I tell him

"not a chance in hell," he says

I smiled knowing when I said that to him his whole wanting to finish his pool game would be over and he'd come after me.

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