" I... we should get married. right?"

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the look on Happy's face having just heard he's to be a father was one of a stunned person.

I wait for him to say something or at least blink.

" I....we should get married. right? when... when there's a kid? "he asked

"Happy I know you arent the type to marry or take an ol'lady and just cause I'm carrying your child doesn't mean you need to change how you are just to cause you are unsure of what to do" I answered

"I know. but I ...." he seemed lost for words.

" I am in love with you and I didn't know how to express myself. the only way I thought would show it was me making love to you countless times. and I know I wasn't one to take an ol'lady or to marry but you make me wanna do just that." he says

I smiled understanding him.

"before you, there were just faceless women who would take what I gave them. but you... your not a faceless woman. you are someone I wanna be with for the rest of my life. and help raise our child" he says as he walks up to me and carefully touches my stomach.

I looked down and place my hand on his before looking back up at him smiling.

"we will do this together," I tell him

"so you'll be mind?" he asked

"yea Happy I'll be yours," I tell him

He grinned and pulled me close before he leaned in and started kissing me as he kept his hand on my stomach.

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