you settled

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I love Jackson very much. but I can't help the feeling that the only reason he is with me and engaged to me is cause he had settled since Tara left town.

I have tried to find ways to bring it up but every time I try the words fail me and I'm just looking like an idiot with my mouth open.

but I need to talk with Jax about it so I can know for sure if he has in fact just settled cause of that or if everything that is happening between us is real.

I headed to the clubhouse and headed inside when I saw Jax's bike.

after greeting everyone I walked up to Jax.

"Can we talk?" I asked

he looked at me and blew out smoke before nodding and handing the cigarette to Gemma.

I walked past those that stood near the hallway leading to the dorms.

I stood there in his dorm after he unlocked the door.

"whats up?" he asked

"I'm gonan be honest with you. " I say

"okay" he says

I collect myself and hope that the words dont fell me this time.

"I lvoe you and you know I love you. I've loved you for a really really long time. but there is jsut a constant feelign that makes me feel as if you Settled for me. I mean I know you tell you love me and you asked me to marry you and I believe you. its just I feel as if this between us would've never happened if your highschool girlfreind didnt run off" I say

He walked up to me and tiltied my head up since I was looking down. and he had me look at him as he held me close.

"I will be honest with you." he says

"alright" I say

"at first when we started dating I thought I was gonan jsut settle. but the more I got to know you and be with you, the more I realized I'm not gonan just settle. Tara made her decision to leave. and I'm honestly happy that she had. casue even if she hadn't I'd left her and moved on with someone sles casue she was so toxic and I didnt need that in my life." he says

"so everything between us is really real?" I asked

"yeah baby. everything is very real." he says

I nodded my head and let out a sigh of relif.

"how long has this been bothering you?" he asked

"for a while. and every time i'd tried to bring it up the words would fail me and I'd just be standing there looking dumb" I say

"well now that you had managed to find the words and express them you know that I didnt settle for you. I want you and I'm not gonna want anyone in my love but you. I want a family with you, I mean tonight I hope you get my crow and then a bit later on carry my first baby" he says

"can we do the crow now?" I asked

he smiled .

"yeah" he says

he moved towards the door and called for Happy.

once Happy showed up he told Happy what we were gonna do before Happy went to get his tattoo equipment.

I was glad to be wearing a crop top so that I'd not worry about removing or lifting my shirt.

Once Jax's crow was inked on my person I thanked Happy before he left.

"I wasnt doubting your love I jsut couldnt shake the feeling" I had explained

"No i get it. and I'm very glad you came and talked with me about it before it got worse and things when to shit" he says

"me too" I agreed beforr I give him a kiss and walk out the dorm with him.

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