Act like an Ol'lady

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I was stopping by to spend time with my ol' man when I see some tramp rubbing all over him putting his face in her nasty titties, placing his hands on her ass.

which that didn't last long cause I walked over and yanked the whore off and I laid into her ass. I pushed who ever tried pulling me off and I kept beating the whore till she bleed and laid unconsious.

I stood up and looked at my husband.

"what the fuck was that?" he asked

"me beating a whore" I say

"you had no right to do that. she didn't nothing wrong" he says

I looked at him like he was on crack.

"you know the rules so act like an ol'lady" he says

"what the fuck do you think I did act like same tramp?" I asked

he started pointing at me and I slapped his hand out of my face.

"don't fucking point at me motherfucker. you allowed that trash to rub all over you, put your face in her nasty tittes and you hands on her ass. so don't for one mother fuckign second think I'll allow you to jump my ass when your being a fucking two face asshole" I say

"I'm being two face?" he asked

I nodded my head

"how?" he asked

"the other day some guy just brushed against me trying to get through a packed crowd and you commenced to beating the life outta him. when it wasn't on purpose or sexual. when his cum bag does shit sexual and I do my "job" as an ol'lady you get your tight whities in a twist." I say

"he didn't do that on accident" he says

I rolled my eyes.

"you know you what I've had enough of your fucking here is your two choices and if I was you I'd pick the smart one. choice one or two. I wont tell you what they are" I say

"then how I'd know what they are if you don't tell me?" he asked

"don't worry about that just pick" I say

"two" he says

I nodded my head

"well it was nice knowing you, gentleman. I'll be divorcing Jackson and leaving with my kids. good bye boys..." I say

I looked at Jackson.

"fuck you I hope you get so much fucking sexual diseases you're fucking cock falls off" I say before I turned and walked out the door.

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