"you're mine"

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To say I was pissed would be an understatement. I am so damn mad I could spit nails.

I parked before the SAMCRO banner and climbed outta my car and headed towards the clubhouse. when they saw the look I was sponsoring everyone went quiet.

"where the fuck is he?" I asked

"who?" JT asked

"the fucking giant that's my husband" I replied

I see Opie stand up and look at me. I stormed over making Gemma who was standing before him back up.

"what the fuck is this I hear you wanting to fuck porn pussy?" I asked

"who said that?" he asked

"don't fuckin worry about it just answer the damn question Harry" I say

"I ain't fucking no porn pussy nor have I atpented to" he says

"good cause you're mine. and If I ever fucking find out you committed adultery then Harry I'll fucking chop your cock off and shove it up your own fucking ass after I beat you with it. do you understand me?" I asked

he nodded his head

"what the fuck happen to your brow?" I asked

"Pop punched me," he says

"for what?" I asked

"ima climbed I fucked her when she was fucking Juice. Lyla came to see why Juice didn't go home last night and Ima being the whore she is said she was being fucked by me. when Lyla went to charge at her Ima pulled a gun. when I came back from handling club matter with Jax, & JT pop socked the fuck outta me." he says

"was it cleaned?" I asked

he nodded his head

"Tara cleaned it." he says

I nodded my head and started calming down.

"you ok baby?" Gemma asked

" I thought I was gonna have to castrate my husband's monster cock for sticking it in std pussy. " I replied looking at Gemma

"he was with JT, Happy,Jax, and some of the prospect handling club ordeal" she says

"I believe him" I tell her

"who was your informer?" Opie asked

"porn whores" I replied

"and you believe them?" he asked

"are you missing your dick?" I asked

"no" he says

"I came here to confront you about it before I proceeded to chop your pecker off" I say

"glad we cleared that shit up. I need my dick to please you" he say

"best only be pleasing me and no other woman" I say pointing at him

"your the only type of crazy I need" he says

I rolled my eyes and dropped my finger,

"I'm not crazy I just don't take any ones shit" I replied

"same thing" he says while shrugging

I shook my head and gave him a kiss before I told him I'd see him at home and left.

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