"Oh, yes. Keep doing that."

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Opie had noticed that I have been dealing with a whole lot on my plate and that I've not stopped helping people despite the fact that I'm running on fumes practically.

"alright strip down and lay on the bed" he says

I looked at him before doing as he said

"want me on my front?" I asked

"Yeah" he says

I crawled into the bed and laid on my front placing my arms down by my side.

Opie messed around the room for a bit before I got on the bed and squirted something warm on my back.

"you are seriously over working yourself and not taking time to just realx" he says as he starts the message

"there is so much to do and a lot of people to help" I tell him closing my eyes and enjoying his hands working the tension out.

I get that but if you don't start tending to yourself then you'll not be able to do everything and help everyone" he says

I sighed knowing what he was saying to be true.

"thank you for caring," I say

"of course, I care about you. you're the love of my life" he says

I smiled.

he messaged my butt cheeks like he was kneading dough.

"Oh yes. keep doing that" I moaned

he chuckled and gave my ass a soft slap.

"Oh, daddy.. me likey," I say 

he started laughing which made me smile.

we worked his way down my legs rubbing out the strain and tension before moving his way back up.

"roll over" he says

"if I was a dude my cock would be hard as a hammer" I commented while looking at him

he shook as he started working from my feet up to my thighs.

"hey now you're supposed to me working the tension and shit out not making me wanna ride your giant ass" I tell him

"late you can ride me til you cant no more," he says

"goody. cause baby I'll ride you better than you do your Harley" I tell him

He hummed as he continued his message upward.

"you make my nipples hard and we'll both be in trouble" I say

"be good" he says

"awe come on baby I'll only joking" I say

I leaned down and pecked my lips as he messaged my breast and tweaked my nipples.

"Oh yes..." I moaned

when he finished the message he went to wash his hands before he came back.

I didn't give him a chance to get back in the bed after he stripped down cause I jumped in his arms he chuckled as I started kissing him. 

He carried me over to the bed and laid me down.

once we made it to the bed I managed to make him fall back on the bed before I slipped him inside of me and started bouncing on his cock riding him better than he does his Harley.

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