" have you seen yourself naked before?"

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I've been through and I've always managed to make it out alive. half the time it's by some miracle other it's by the skin of my teeth.

I've got so many scars that I can't stand to look at my body. 

every time I get in a relationship and things get heated I always request the lights off cause I don't want them to look at me with disgust.

Which always happens come daybreak.

but now that I'm married don't know if my feelings for my body will change.

I mean I barely managed to get by with always wanting the lights to be off when we make love or have sex. and my husband stuck around come daybreak when some of my scars had been seen.

I've always managed to keep the worst ones covered cause I don't want to lose my husband when he's my everything.

just today I got a call from someone that was part of my horrid past. they called to let me know that those who did me wrong are gone forever and I can finally live free. 

they proceeded to tell me how they wish that everything from this point forth turns out better for me.

Now here I sit with my back against the wall knees up close to my chest crying against my hands.

I never heard my husband calling out that he was home I was so lost in myself to hear anything.


when someone touched me I jumped and dropped my hands.

"easy baby. its just me" Happy says

"sorry" I say as I wiped my eyes

"what happened?" he asked

"someone from my past called me and told me those who did me wrong is no longer alive. and told me that they hope that things for me turn out better from here on out" I replied

I slowly stood up along with him.

"It has gotten better" he says

"Cause of you being in my life Happy. without you I'd be like a lost soul roaming the world" I tell him

"we both helped each other out" he says

I gave a half smile.

"come on lets get you cleaned up and then I'll take you out for lunch or we'll call takeaway" he says

I nodded my head and followed him into the bathroom.

"you strip down and get in the shower while I go and make sure everything is locked up" he says

"alright" I say

 once he walked out the bathroom I stripped dow and quickly got in the shower turning the water hot hoping the steam would cover my scars.

"damn baby is that what you've been hiding from me?"

I jumped and grabbed hold of the little wrag rack so I'd not fall.

"Happy" I say

"Yea?" he asked

I was speechless and trying to cover my self.

"wait what are you doing?" he asked

"covering my body" I replied

"Why?" he asked

"I don't ..."

"you don't like how you look?" he asked

"yeah," I say 

"Have you seen yourself naked before?" he says

"I see it every time I change clothes or take a shower" I replied

"It's beautiful," he says before he pulls me out of the shower turning the water off before helping me get dried off.

Before I could argue he picks me up in his arms and carries me to bed where he lays me down and kisses each and every single one of my scars.

I lay there crying from how he's so loving and not finding any part of me disgusting.

"I know what it's like to not like your scars baby I have so many of my own but my ink covers a grand majority of them." he says

I looked at him watching as he went back to kissing and loving my scarred skin like no one including myself has ever done.

and that alone has made me fall helplessly in love with him all over again.

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