"Does the father know? " (made into a story)

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I never would've thought that after having a one-night stand with my best friend I'd wind up pregnant. but I am and nearly three months. don't know for sure till I go get a scan. I do know for a fact I'm pregnant cause I went for a check-up and some blood test results came back that I'm expecting.

So now the whole telling your best friend that he put a baby in me, part is gonna be fun.

I contacted Jax to see if he wanted to come over for a bit. and he told me yeah cause it was our annual "movie" night.

while I waited for him to show up I thought of multipole different ways that I was gonna tell him the news. 

and I thought of mulitpule different outcomes of how he'd react. some wasn't so good.

Hearing Jax's Harley pull into my driveway I knew it was just a matter of time before I told him the news

" Hey Darlin" Jax greets as he used the spare key I had given him

"Hey Jax" I replied

He came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he sat next to me.

We debated on what to order for takw out and what movie to watch.

Once we cam to a decision on both I placed the order whole he got the movie ready.

I say there abit distracted when he nudged me

" You ok ?" He asked

" I'm pregnant" I say

" That's great Darlin" he says

" Yeah it is" I agreed with him

"Does father know?" He asked

I nodded my head.

"And how did he take it?" He questioned

I looked at him not saying a word.

He looks at me for a bit then looks confused before it dawns on him.

" My baby?" He asked

" Yeah." I answered

"Seriously?" He asks

I nodded my head.

He places his beer on the coffee table and lays back taking it in.

I look at him waiting to see what he was going to do or say.

" My best friend is carrying my first child." He says openingly

Neither of us said anything for a while. I knew it was a lot for him to take in.

Neither of us expected this to be the outcome of one incredible night.

He caught me off guard when he pulled me to him a laid one hell of a kiss on me.

" You're having my baby Darlin. This is incredible and amazing. I mean the one person who loves me for me and not what I am a part of is carrying my first child." He says as he tears up a bit.

I curl up in his arms and kiss him lovingly as I wipe the tears.

" We can do this however you want." I tell him

He looks at me

" You and I are going to be together and we will raise this bay in a loving home." He says

I of course agree with him.

"We both love each other beyond friends so why not take it to the next step?"

" I've been waiting for you." I tell him which makes him smile.

" Sorry I took so long to come to this decision."

"Beats never happening." I tell him

He kisses me again before actually asking me to be his ol' lady.

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