I warned you (made as story)

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(Magic mike part 3)

Apprently our men thought we was fucking playing with their asses when he gave them the warning of us heading to Vegas to watch male strippers if they go to Dosa,Red Woody, or watch porn in the club.

We found out that they had done just that. So once we got the kids taken care of we loaded up  in two cars and we headed to vegas.

I had both the tickets in advance knowing that they'd pull the shit they had.

"alright, ladies lets just have a damn good time and not answer the fucking phones unless its the babysitters" I say

they all nodded their heads.

"here are your tickets lets go watch some magic mike performance,"  I say handing the tickets out to them.

We headed to the location of the show and gave the ticket collector our tickets before we headed inside.

we of course headed for the front row wanting a perfect view.

I am telling you when the men walked out and stripped we ladies lost our shit. the whole place erupted in screaming and whistling.

The whole dame time we sat there watching out phones were blowing up. the guys were calling us none stop but we didn't pay them any attention we were enjoying ourselves.

I was taken on stage and placed on a chair and a buffed dude with arms sleeve tattoo started dancing on me before he picked me up and laid me down and kept dancing sexually on me.

I knew if one of the ladies was recording this and Jax sees it he's gonna shit a blue streak.

We were there for over three hours enjoying ourselves before we headed back home knowing what was to come.

when we pulled into the lot and climbed out there was the guys asking over and over again where where you.

We walked inside the clubhouse not wanting to cause a scenes out in the open.

"where did you go?" Jax asked

"where you was told" I replied

"So you fucking went to Vegas after I said not to?" he asked

I looked at him.

"we fucking warned you fuckers what we'd do if you al watched porn being made ,went to dosa, or watched croweaters fucking one of the single sons here. you guys did it knowing what we warned you about. so we went to Vegas and watched male performers. & don't you fucking talk to me as if your my fucking dad. you have three kids not four." I say

"did one of you girls get taken on stage?" Tig asked

"oh yeah. one of us did" Gemma says

"who?" Happy asked

"don't worry it wasn't Wendy" I say

"it was you wasn't it?" Jax asked

"uh-huh" I replied

"what the fuck?" he asked

"I warned you what would happen if you did what we didn't want you to do anymore. you all did just that so we did just as we said." I replied

"did you enjoy yourselves?" Chibs asked

"as much as you men enjoy watching porn" Gemma says

"why momma?" Nero asked

"cause you all cant do what we asked you plenty of times not to do. and we've been nice about it. so we did something you all didn't want us to do" she says

"so pay back? " Opie says

"we was showing you that if you don't take our warning seriously we will follow through with it" I say

They all was upset and not liking that we did as we said we'd do.

"never again Please" Opie says

"when you all stop doing what we've asked so many damn times for you to stop then we'll not do what you all don't like." Claudia says

when nothing was said us ladies left to pay the nannies and stay home with our kids.

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