"I can't sleep without you here"

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I've tossed and I've turned endless amount of times. trying to sleep but it's no use I don't have my bed partner who I cuddle up to.

I had sent him a text asking if he was busy or partying. he replied no that he'd be at my place shortly.

so I lay there waiting for him to show up.

when I heard the sound of a Harley I threw the covers off and walked out of my bedroom and down the hall to the front door.

right, when he walked up I unlocked and opened the door allowing him in.

"you shouldn't answer the door dressed like that," he says

"I was behind my door so unless people got x-ray vision they cant see anything" I replied as I closed the door behind him and locked it back before I grabbed his hand not allowing him to take anything off.

"I want to slip my boots off" he says

"in my room Happy," I tell him as I flick the light on and crawl back in bed waiting for my bed partner.

"couldn't sleep?" he asked

"I can't sleep without you here," I tell him

he removed his kutte, boots, shirt, and pants before he turned off the light and comes over to the bed, crawling in under the covers.

"loose the clothes babygirl" he says

I smiled and stripped out my top and panties tossing them away before I laid back down on him and snuggled up as he wraps his arms around me.

"night Papi" I say

"night baby" he replied

I lift my head long enough to give him a kiss before I lay my head back on his shoulder.

it didn't take long for us two to drift off to sleep.

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