"Well, we're officially a family now."

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For some damn reason, Gemma didnt like me. though I've never done anything to her. unless treating her ass with respect is doing her wrong.

Jax and I had just gotten married which will really make her hate me.

"she's gonna be so fucking pissed," I say as I walked across the lot with Jax.

"you've done nothing to her for her to hate you. you've treated me how I've longed to be treated. you're a hell of a lot better than Tara. so her hate for you is not called for" he says

I agreed with him as we walked into the clubhouse.

Jax whistled to gain everyone's attention.

"I wanna make two huge announcements," he says

I looked at him after taking in the room.

"I'm gonna be a father & I got married" he says

when I looked back towards everyone I saw Gemma with the most pissed-off look one could have.

 "Well, we're officially a family now." JT says

"damn right. and I want everyone in this room to treat my wife with respect. and if you've not already done that and you refuse then we'll have problems. she's practically bent over backward to ear respect. but that shit stops til those who arent respecting her starts" he says

everyone looked at Gemma knowing she was the very one who was not showing me the respect I've been showing her.

"she doesn't deserve it"  Gemma says

"as I said. you don't start showing her respect we'll have problems" Jax says

he took my hand and we walked back out the clubhouse.

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