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My car wasnt in the best or greatest condition buts been in my family for so many years. and it still runs good and gets me to where I need to go. 

yeah it gives me trouble half the time starting. and its not the greatest with keeping fluids in. but I cant afford any new car or used. so I have to keep this vintage car.

I was at the Teller garage waiting for them to check my car out.

"alright baby I cant take it anymore. you have to junk that piece of shit you call a car when its a death trap" Jax says 

I looked over at him.

"why what happen?" I asked

"its a piece of shit that backfires more than a drive-by shoot. he is a piece of shit that doesn't start half the time, a grand majority of its things doesn't work, its wipers don't work, its radio sizzeled out. & it doesn't hold liquids worth a shit" he says

"what is the verdict on it today?" I asked

"same as every other time you come in here" he says

I sighed and hung my head.

"let me get you another car, and you junk that one" he says

I lifted my head and looked at him.

"I cant afford a new car even if it was used. my job doesn't pay the best which you know. so that isn't possible" I say

"you don't have to make payments. I know someone who is selling their car. and I've checked it over already" he says

"Whats the year?" I asked

"its a nineteen eight seven jeep waganer with woodgrain and its black" he says

"whats the asking price?" I asked

"you don't need to worry about that" he says

"I am gonna pay you back" I tell him

"yeah by being my bride like I've asked you countless times" he says

I nibbled on my lip before I slid off the bar stool and walked over to him.

"Yes." I say

he smiled brightly before grabbing my face and went to kiss me but I put my finger on his lips.

" I will marry you but not as a form of payment for you buying me a car. But because I can't go on pretending that I don't love you when everyone including myself knows different. As for paying you back for the car. I will find a way. It might not be money but I will pay you back." I tell him

He moved my finger and kissed me.

" Just love me forever and that will be payment enough." He says

I nodded my head and kissef him.

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