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Dressed up to make myself as presentable as possible. I am supposed to be protecting five people, I don't care about the fact that it is five people; that is easy. It is really the curiosity of what they expect me to figure out.

I am no secret service, but it really only depends on what they plan on paying for me.

How did they get into contact with my Agency? I climb out of the taxi and head straight for our meet-up.


Horizon is a well-known brand for a lot of things. Cars. Food. Clothes. Nightclubs. I never cared for celebrities so I always tucked my head between my shoulders if someone tried to talk about them in any regard.

I step into the fancy restaurant to see that it is packed. One of the waiters walks up to me with a smile. "Hi. Do you have a reservation?"

I glance at her. "Eve."

Her eyes widen. "Oh. Right this way please."

I walk with her towards the second floor and to a booth tucked away at the back. Though the place we are walking towards already has two people sitting there, a man and a woman. The waitress gestures for me to slide into the seat across from the two of them.

"Thanks, sweety." The woman smiles up at her, then looks at me. "Do you want something to drink?"

I shake my head. "None for me."

She gestures for the waitress to leave.

"Eve, is this-"

"Our security moving forward for the time being."

I lock eyes with him. Hector Giovanni. He used to sit behind me and when he was bored he'd through pencils at me or kick my lower back, the day my dad sent me away he stepped on the back of my neck if I recall but even then that day is still muddy.

I clench my fists digging my nails into my palms but I don't show animosity in my expression.

She clears her throat, I transfer my gaze towards her. "It is good to meet someone that is held in high regard among his peers. I wasn't sure what to expect out of the person I am supposed to meet but it almost makes me wonder if you really are him, or just someone to take the fall."

I then state. "Appearances are misleading."

She arches her brow. "I agree. Then? Are you who I asked for?"

I cock my head, looking at the area around us. Nobody here even looks a little bit threatening. They didn't bother to check if I had weapons, I sat across a celebrity with a man that I despise more than anything.

Nothing is stopping me from killing him other than my reputation in the Agency. Under no circumstances am I allowed to harm my clients.

"I guess that answers that." She chuckles.

"Do we really need it?" he asks her.

"Don't stress so much." She glances at him with a slight smile. "To get down to business, I fear that there might be some individuals after me or one of my friends," she slowly looks back at me, "I just want basic protection above that normal bodyguards can offer me along with someone that can smoke out the snakes in the grass."

"Why not report it to law enforcement if you fear for your life?"

"Not my life." She shakes her head. "There is only so much someone like me can do before it starts staining my dress. I need shadows with the means of achieving the outcome desired."

Hector adds. "And we are both high-earning individuals. You will be paid handsomely."

I glance at him with my cold stare, he furrows his brow slightly as this Evelynn clears her looking him in the eye. "I'll handle it, sweety."


I then breathe out. "What do you want from me?"

"As I already said." She looks back at me. "It entails 24/7 protection from you so I would suggest packing your bags because we already organised a building for you to live in while you do your job, all expenses for your living will be paid and will have no effect on your payout."

I then ask her. "Who am I protecting?"

"You need a list?" He scoffs.

She narrows her eyes slightly. "Is there a problem?"

"I was informed there are five VIPs."

She twists her lips to the side. Hector then looks at her. "Evie we-"

She stops him. "I'll pay you double what I originally planned. Ten heads instead of five." She crosses her arms. "Or would it be bad if this one went off-record?"

I hold my stare. "Double."

"Then we have a deal?" I nod. Her expression relaxes as she softly exhales, probably relieved she managed to get this deal going without having to through out her entire bank account. "Then for the sake of our contract. I am Evelynn, this is Hector, my Fiance. May I have your name?"

I glance back at him before locking eyes with her. 

I shouldn't give my name. It would be dangerous but there is nothing they can do to my family that I can't do to them first.

"(Y/N). (L/N)."

I notice his expression shift instantly as if he is trying to piece together the ghosts of the past.


"Hmm?" She looks at him. "What's wrong?"

I don't look at him at all, but I can see that expression from the corner of my eye. I hope this comes as a shock, that reality settles in that you drove me to become what I am and even though I have the tools to fight back.

My contract with the Agency says there are only five VIPs.

I am going to use these tools to ruin you.

He leans in closer, I can still hear his whispers. "Evie maybe we should get someone else-"

She furrows her brow. "I... we can talk about this later."

I lift myself out of my seat, placing a phone on the table in front of them that has the number of another dummy phone so that they can call me without ever tracing me back to my real phone.

"What's this?" she asks me.

"Way to call me. I expect you to want me ready by tomorrow-"

She stops me. "Tonight."

I glance at her. "Then I will see you tonight. Send me the address. My number is on that phone."

I leave before they can get another word in edgewise. That settles the contract and it will be currently active. I have met one of the fuckers and that probably means the others should be close by because they were good friends, and stayed friends even after they left school.

They were never truly punished for what they did to me, they got away scot-free because the money often sways the heads of those in charge.

I learned the hard way that the world ain't black and white. Nobody is going to punish the bad with a sense of justice, nobody was going to come and save me if I stayed and I'd probably have killed myself before they could kill me.

The world isn't that black and white.

Time? Change? Forgiveness?

No. This is a fucking vendetta and I will ruin them all before I look them in the eyes while I step on their throats and show you how dark this world truly is.

Major Crimes (K/DA Harem x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now