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Sitting on the couch next to her. Kai'Sa is dabbing my wounds with cotton balls soaked with cleaning agents burning the living shit out of my knuckles. 

Though despite that, her keeping herself busy like this is probably doing a lot more for her. If I just sent her back to the house she would probably be trying to find ways to cope with it... having to share a bed with the person that betrayed her.

"Does it hurt?" she brushes the hair from her face and locks eyes with me.

She does look better, even if a little bit.

"Not really."

She dabs my knuckle wiping the blood away and I feel my thumb twitch involuntarily, "Are you sure?"

"Nerve damage."

She shakes her head, "You don't have to act tough."

"It's part of the job."

She cleaned my hands and then wiped them off with a towel. Then pulling out some bandages she grabs my hand with one while the other digs around the medical for something to cut the bandages.

Her fingers are long and soft.

"Are you sure? These look very painful."

"They are definitely burning if that is what you wanted me to say."

"Sorry," she tilts her head and starts wrapping the bandages around my hands, "they say if it is burning that means you are doing something right."

"I can think of a lot of scenarios where that does not apply."

"I meant cleaning..."

"You should specify."

She looks up at me with a furrowed brow, "I need to be specific?"

"Context matters."

"I guess that is true," she finished up one hand and then gestures for me to give the other hand.

I was going to clean it myself but she insisted that she should help me and this is perfect to help keep her mind busy until she eventually decides to fall asleep. Though... my fatigue is catching up to me.

I don't know how long I can stay awake before I start dozing. I have been nothing but walking adrenaline all night and it is coming back to settle at the worst times. Her hands freeze, shaking slightly as she asks me in a sombre tone.

"Why are you letting me do this?"

I then counter with a question, "Are you asking because you want me to say that you are silly? That you shouldn't be sitting here trying to fill the gaps and keep your mind busy so that you don't have to think about it?"

"Or do you want a real answer?"

"I don't know..." she whimpers. "I feel like I am being... stupid."

"Stupid for grieving all of the years you lost?" she looks up at me with that sad expression, "If this is making you feel better, even in the slightest, then there is my reason for letting you burn my hands alive."

She cracks a slight smile, "I thought you said it didn't hurt."

With a firm nod, "It didn't."

She exhales sharply shaking her head at me while she finishes up my hand. "I wanted to be alone but it didn't help... thanks for letting me do this, even if it is silly."

"A kettle reminds me of my childhood. I don't think there are grounds for making fun of each other here."

She smiles at me, "Yep," then lowering her gaze slightly she asks me, "Can you hold me?"

I observe her, "Are you sure that is what you want?"


I scoot closer, wrapping my arms gently around her shoulders and she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Sorry for asking this of you."

"Don't mention it."

"I don't know what I should do..."

I then answer, "I can't make that decision for you, I won't pretend that it isn't a hard one either... but if it makes you feel any better about the situation, I am contracted to protect the five of you and I will do everything in my ability to do that."

"Consoling doesn't fall under protection..." she whispers.

"I am doing it because I want to."

She grows quiet and I don't disturb her at all. I don't expect her to be over him instantly, this is her having to come to terms that a long-term relationship ended like this. That is... if she even ends it.

***   Kai'Sa POV   ***

I wake up in shock, glancing around the room's lights are still on with (Y/N) sleeping with his shoulder against the couch. I rub my eyes out wondering how long I was passed out for...

I glance around to see that it is well past 2 in the morning.

I feel bad. I came all this way to learn and I learned it the hard way. He sat with me the entire time, even offering to give me something to drink and somewhere to stay while I cleared my head,

After a night like tonight... he shouldn't be keeping me company.

I lower him down into the couch, surprised that he didn't wake up from it at all as I head to his room and grab some covers to cover him up. Ever since Eve told me about people's eyes giving them away.

His hands were covered in blood, bruises... but it was like that for Akali. 

I couldn't stop looking him in the eye trying to see if I can see the same things but he wears this strangely empty expression as if to hide everything he is feeling. But when he was talking about his childhood I could see a little smile.

I liked seeing that, it felt genuine.

I look at his bandaged hands.

Muttering to myself I rub my eyes, "What am I even doing?" I look back at him before whispering with a slight smile, "Thank you, (Y/N)."

"I did it because I wanted to." I almost jump out of my skin.

 "You... were awake?"

"Hm mhm. Light sleeper. Go get some rest, please?"

"I... okay... thank you."

"Good night."

I smile at him. "Good night."

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