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Reaching the house. I climb out of the car and go around to grab Akali before Tony thinks he can put his hands on her... I don't want to think about what would have happened if I didn't find them.

That room was probably empty for a reason.

Makes me sick.

I hate that I have control over my trigger finger. Maybe he wasn't going to rape her, maybe they were hoping that she falls in love by forcing situations like this. I walk up to the front of the house to see Kai'Sa rush towards me.

"Oh my god, is she-"

"Just passed out from the stress." I glance around. "Can we take her to her room? You can just wipe her down and get her dressed and let her sleep?"


Tony then sides next to us. "Do you need help?"

I ignore him. "I'll set her down, get the other girls to help if you need to. After you are done come call me, I need to see if she is perfectly fine."

"Okay... second floor. Her name is carved into the door."

"Got it."

Tony walks with Kai'Sa to find the rest while I carry Akali up to her room. I reach her door and open it surprisingly easily and walk her towards her bed and gently set her down before turning on the light.

Out cold.

The moment I turn to leave I hear her gasp for air, I quickly turn around to see her clutch at the covers of the bed. "Where am I-"

I don't touch her. "Home." She looks around frantically, I lift both my hands as if to show that we aren't in a dangerous situation. "You are home, I carried you all the way here. You passed out-"

She still looks frantic. Then collapsing forward she almost falls off the side of the bed, I grab her just in time only for her to clutch at my clothes. "I thought... I was never so scared. Why do they want us? What did we do?" she whimpers.


If I wasn't so preoccupied.

I would have been able to spare her from this situation.

"Thank you..." she whispers. "I... froze... I thought I would be able to fight back but... I... couldn't-"

I try my best to console her. Rubbing her shoulder I lift her back onto the bed. "All that matters is that you are home."

"Akali?" I glance over my shoulder to see the girls rush towards her.

I create space and instantly leave the room to give them time to be with her. She needs them more than someone that is just used to killing... I don't even feel a little bit of remorse for killing any of them.

The worst part? The three that are still alive... the shit I am going to put them through is going to make them wish they were dead.

I pull out my special phone. "Ha. Death himself."

"Horizon clubs. Go to VIP room 5. The key is in the security office under the keyboard for that door. There are three people in there, put the girl in some clothes and put them in the slaughterhouse for me. Will you?"

"You sadistic fuck." She giggles. "When are you going to tie me down like that?"

"I need them to squeal."

"Saying you want me there?"

"You have a creative mind. Need some of that to get them to talk."

"I'll be there," she whispers into the phone. "Bring me a little gift for old-time's sake. I really really need it."

"I'll bring it."

I cut the call.

*** Bernard POV ***

I walk towards Tony, grabbing him by the collar. "You didn't touch her did you?"

"Fuck no! I am not some sick rapist fuck!"

I let him go with a sigh of relief. "If any of you fuck up once, that means we have to turn our back on each other. We are not sacrificing what we got because you decided to be a stupid fuck pushing boundaries."

Hector walks up to me. "We need to reconsider."

Tony nods. "He... he is going to kill us if he ever finds out."

I shake my head. "He will die. I am going to put a bounty on his head."

Jerico suggests. "We need to keep it anonymous. We saw what he can do and we can't fuck around... maybe find ways to-"

Hector stops him. "Didn't you see her?! Akali was freaking the fuck out. That girl was scared out of her mind... what the fuck are we doing?"

I look at him. "You got your girl doing fucked up shit and now suddenly you have morals?"

Tony sighs. "We don't want to lose either of them..."

Elmar finally talks. "We need to put more into it, find ways to make the girls not trust him at all. Do that, send agents to kill him, then we should be fine."

"We have to get rid of him. Even if it takes time to do it, there is no way he is going to get in the way of what we are doing here. They are ours."

***   Normal POV   ***

I step inside Akali's room to see her curled up in her covers. Evelynn is sitting beside her with her fingers interlaced with her hand... she is blankly staring at her, a lot of things must be going through that head of hers.

"Do you have a lead?" she asks me.

"Three." I nod. 

"What are you going to do with them?"

"I shouldn't tell you," I state. "My contract states that I am not to discuss my methods to keep the Agency free from liability."

She looks at me with a serious stare. "Make them suffer... let them feel so much Agony that they die from it."

I don't respond to her request.

She sighs. "She... she is fine. I checked there isn't any bruises on her body and probably just went through so much shock that it shut her body down. Fuck."

I walk up to her. "Whoever they are. I will make sure they die the slowest way imaginable." I can give her that much at least.

She smiles at me. "Thanks..."

I shake my head. "I am a killer, the one thing I know how to do is kill."

And I have already begun killing them.

Major Crimes (K/DA Harem x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now