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I get back from the Agency.

They are going to 'persuade' her from ever muttering a word about what happened today. I could have killed her to save myself the trouble but I thought I might just be kind to offset the shit I am going to make these guys go through.

There was a part of me wondering if they were redeemable.

After Akali... no. Never.

I walk into my security house, pull my gun out and walk into the small kitchen in the next room to see Bernard standing behind the counter. He looks me up and down as I hide the gun behind me in a way that he wouldn't expect me to hold it.

Trying to put it back in my jacket he starts. "Where were you early this morning?"

"Security called in to let me know what is going on," I state, walking past him I turn on the kettle. "Got some information regarding the people that attacked us last night and I had to hear what they had to say."

"What did they find?" He asks.

"We might have someone in there that is a mole." I place a cup on the counter. "The way they got in was too easy, had to be an inside job. I looked around the building and it was built to be impossible to get in and easy to get out of."

I then continue. "Either they are much more competent than me, or someone let them in."

He lowers his gaze, he has a good lying face. "Got any useful leads?"

"Nothing more than that," I state, I can't let them know that I am on Pathos' trail. "But you should know the situation, Bernard."


"I am supposed to protect those five. But Evelynn actually hired me for another reason," I glance at him with my same emotionless expression, "to find the people that are doing this to them, to you guys, and then I kill them."

I can see the muscles in his neck tighten, I hold my stare to make him believe that I suspect it is him. I need them to get desperate, to act out.

He nods. "Good. They need to die for what they did to Akali."

What a nasty little snake. Will Ahri learn how nasty your bite is... because she will never be able to see it coming. 

"They will," I reassure him. "Slowly."

"I don't care how. Just do what you are paid for."

He walks forward, I step in his path slightly. Looking at the kettle that is near its boiling point.

 "Breathe the smoke in, empty the bottle before you die." 

"What?" He scowls at me.

"I can see you lying there... dead. Didn't do it for love. What did you do it for?"

He freezes, the look on his face almost priceless. The grim expression of realizing that I am not stupid, I am onto them but I am never going to tell them that I am... I have recordings to prove what they are doing.

But if it ever gets out of hand I am going to use it as my final resort.

But that would be too quickly.

You deserve a slow death. 

The kettle stops boiling as I ask. "Want something to drink?"

"Do your job." He walks past me, he tries to walk over me but I hold my stance forcing him to slide past me after realizing that he could bump me out of the way.

I hear the door close behind him. I then chuckle to myself shutting my eyes as talk to myself. "I am going to ask you the same question when you are on the floor, Bernard. I know you didn't do this for love, what are you doing it for?"

I hear my phone ring. Not my personal... my Agency phone.

I answer it. "Speak."

"They are coming for you." The call cuts.

Is that so? Am I going to be put through a real challenge? My own agency is allowing them to go after me to take my spot as the best? So they are going to rely on killing me with my own people, maybe that is their best bet.

Everywhere is going to be dangerous.

This is going to work in their favour. Proving that people are after the five of them if they attack me when I am near those five.

They really are playing a hard game here.

***   ***   ***

I look at Akali who is dressed in her gym clothes. She is in better shape than most of the agents... then again none of them was trained to fight a war but to kill someone the quickest way possible and vanish like a ghost immediately after.

"You want me to... help you?"

She nods. "I don't want that to happen again. I came from a house of assassins. The Kinkou."

I nod. "I know of them."

"Met them?"

"Not out of choice."

She holds her stare. "I want to be able to defend myself better, I know I can do it. You have to protect ten people and you won't always be around to do it..."

I look at Evelynn who told me that Akali wanted to see me. She smiles at me before leaving through the doors, I then look back at her wondering if this is really a good idea. I mean it wouldn't hurt to have her be able to do more to help herself because it will be hard to protect them all.

I am not a protector. I am a killer.


"Really?" She lights up.

"At least you don't lack enthusiasm."

She blushes. "I just... sorry. Thank you."

I twist my lips to the side. "I am going to run basics with you, things that you should know. After that, I can spar with you to get certain scenarios in your head but all of them have a defining factor where if you fuck up one small detail then you are dead."

"I know. I understand that."

I shut my eyes - this is a terrible idea. Then why am I going through with it? Because I was like that? Scared to go to school because I thought they would kill me? Maybe it is the same, I don't want someone to live in fear.

So if this helps even a little bit before I get rid of them, then fine. I'll do it for her.

*** Kai'Sa POV ***

I look at the two of them practising. They have been going at it for most of the morning and it is insane how composed he looks despite their practically fighting... I guess it makes sense if you have trained forever for this.

I walk away from the room to meet Eve who is sitting in the lounge. "Did you see him helping Akali?"

"Yeah. I asked him to."

"I didn't think he would. That's super sweet."

She nods. "Might even be better off getting those two together."

I furrow my brow slightly. "I don't know how I feel about her and Tony... it never worked like it was supposed to and it was just mental abuse from both of them. But-"

Evelynn stops me. "I am just joking. I doubt he has the capacity to love anyone with his line of work and it would be dangerous... for that reason alone I wouldn't want those two to ever become a thing."

I chuckle. "Yeah... maybe."

"But Tony needs to sort his shit out. Quickly."

I agree, but I don't voice my opinion. I think he is cool, I think Evelynn is wrong about him not being able to love because this is his job. Why would he show any sort of emotion towards his clients when all he needs to do is protect us...

It would be silly to catch feelings for your clients and very dangerous.

But... maybe he isn't someone to make stupid mistakes.

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