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***   Akali POV   ***

The door opens and I flinch instantly. I lift my head weakly to see who it is only to see his face watching me under the dim light, I try to make myself smaller as if it would make him feel bad to hurt me in any way.

I try to talk to him. "T-Tony...?"

"Funny how things worked out."

"Please," I beg him, "let me go."

"Can't do that," he walks towards the side of the bed I am laying towards, dropping down in a crouched position, "I would have if you have given me a proper chance but you just had to fuck him, right?"

I bite down on my tongue, learning the hard way I should have just kept my fucking mouth shut.  He lifts himself as he chuckles.

 "The drugs aren't working properly because someone has been fucking with our supplies. So we are using the watered-down version till we can get it going again so that is the only reason why you can even think straight right now."

"Why... I thought-"

"Because I love you," he states, "so I guess I should just show you. Maybe then you will understand how much I love you."

I try to move, trying to use what strength I have to see if I can surprise him and fight back but I can barely feel my fingers move. I don't even know if they tied my legs ever since they dropped me onto this bed what feels like hours ago.

"You'll be with me. Forever."

I shut my eyes tightly as I feel more weight pressing on the bed, my shoulder being touched and pushed down to force me onto my back.

"Tell me how much better I feel than him."

"No..." I breathe out, keeping my tears to myself.

"You will~"

I hear his haunting whisper. I hear a yelp as the weight disappears from the bed. "No! No no no! Not you!"

***   Normal POV   ***

I stare at him with a wild glare, I almost feel psychotic. I step closer to him and he scrambles to his feet grabbing for a weapon in the room. Some sort of metal pipe, he swings it at me and I grab it out of the air ripping it out of his arm and tossing it aside.

I repeat the words they once told me, "I need you to disappear. Understand that, right? Tony? Let me help you."

"You are a pathetic piece of shit! You will always be!"

I slam him across the face with the palm of my hand, he recoils to the side and the moment he looks back at me with those disgusting eyes of his I clench my fists and punch his face. First two to each cheek and the last straight into his nose.

He drops to the ground and I pull a syringe out of my pocket, lowering myself I stab it into his chest.

"Wonder if I can beat you to death first before the adrenaline makes your heart explode?"

"Sick fuck," he spits the blood towards my face.

I clench my jaw and lift myself over him. Pressing my heel into his crotch while I dig my fingers into his hair dragging him from the wall and towards the ground. With his newfound energy, he runs he scrambles towards the door probably not able to feel the pain due to the shot.

I don't care.

I just want this to last.

I tackle him into the door, it shut with him slamming his face into it. I grab his head and slam it into the door denting the wood. Kicking him in the lower back through the door it breaks into splinters.

Before he can properly settle on the ground I drop with my knees into his stomach and start breaking my fists open on his face. He lifts his hands to block the punches and I then transfer them to his gut.

"You took her away from me!"

I freeze for a moment, grabbing him over his mouth. "And you took everything else from me."

His fight starts to disappear and I pull out another one injecting it into his chest, he gasps for air and I climb off of him placing my foot over his knee and start bending it the other way. He starts slamming the floor screaming in agony as I completely bend his knee the other way.

"Where are your friends?" I ask him. I then chuckle, "Doesn't matter because I knew what you were going to do before you did it."

He wheezes, "Fuck you, if you knew then why let me have my way with her? Huh? Stealing my bitch?"

I nod slowly. That one is on me. I won't make the same mistake twice.

I walk over to him and kick the side of his face. Dropping down with my fist into the side of his face. His body rolls over and I repeatedly stomp his head into the floorboards till it starts cracking and breaking around his face.

I pull out my gun, aiming at his head and popping what's left of his skull. I unload the rest of the rounds until his bead is nothing but holes.

I put the gun away and instantly turn around to go to Akali. I don't touch her, as I hover beside the bed. "Akali?"


"Did they do anything to you?" she reaches out for me.

Glad that she knows it is me, I grab her hand and pull her limp body towards me. Lifting her in my arms I walk the two of us out of here as she says, "They... they didn't do anything. I couldn't move... I was so scared."

I grind my teeth together. "I am sorry."

"It's not your fault-"

"I should have protected you."


"By being better."

"Aren't you the best?" she asks with a pained chuckle, "I can't move my body, (Y/N)."

I freeze in place knowing that going to the hospital like this is a bad idea. I then instead put her in my car and drive her to the Agency so that they can take care of her for me... get people with real knowledge to treat her before it does any permanent damage to her.

Sitting in the passenger seat, she weakly speaks. "You are covered in blood."

"Not mine," I state, looking at my knuckles they are bruised and cut open from all the fighting. I glance at her to see that she has passed out in her seat.

Stopping at the building, I carry her inside with someone sitting behind the counter looking at me with a narrow gaze.

"Good Evening, Agent."

"I need medical."

He lifts himself. "Allow me to-"

I shake my head. "I can carry her myself."

"If that is your wish." He gestures for me to follow him towards the back of the building.

I'll kill them all. Before they stand a chance, but I won't make this mistake again.

Major Crimes (K/DA Harem x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now