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Pressing his face against the table, I press the barrel of the pistol against his temple while I observe the room. My eyes are feeling heavy, the adrenaline is really starting to wear off and with meds crashing I am bound to pass out at any given moment.

Need to do something to get some more adrenaline in my body so that I can crash later instead of now. Even then it would be a terrible idea.

"Overlord..." static comes through on the radio.

I transfer my hand from the back of his head to his collar, pulling him back up to his feet I spin him around and push him back against the counter with my hand around his throat. He is watching me carefully.

I cock my head. "Who?"

Furrowing his brow slightly. "Who?"

"Who are you? Who sent you? Who are you here for? Who paid you? Who is going to die?"

He narrows his eyes. "Someone called us in, to take care of someone that has been laballed as highly dangerous."

I let go off his throat, he relaxes and I slam the but of the gun across his cheek. Stumbling to the side I move in to place my knee against the side of his face. Leaning forward squeezing his head between my knee and the metal wall.


"Who is someone?" I ask calmly.

He tries to claw his way out but instead calls out a name after realising it was futile. "An Elmar. We don't know who and where he is but he called us in since we owed him a favour, our militia moved to be used for the next few days!"

I pull my knee back and launch it back forward into his jaw. Falling to the floor his hand is cupping his jaw with the other one shielding his face.

"What are your orders?" I ask.

"We were to assassinate you," he coughs out blood, "then attack a house and bring everyone inside to them for something."

"How many of you?"

"You killed most of us," he peeks at me through his fingers.

I take a deep breath. "The rest of you-"

"I don't know where he sent them-"

I shake my head. Uninterested in his answer I kick him in his gut and place my heel on his pelvis, resting all of my weight on him I give him some time to think of where they would have sent them.

"I don't know! We don't keep it on record because then you'd find all of them!"

"I'll find them all either way," I reassure him.

I put the gun aside, lowering myself I lift him to his feet. He tries to fight back swinging at me and I take a step forward slamming my forehead into his nose, his head jerking backwards as he exclaims from the blow.

Blood dripped from his now busted nose.

I grab him by the collar and he exclaims, "In the city, damnit!"

"No shit," I slam his head into the metal foldable table, denting it with his skull

"A warehouse..." he mutters.

Letting him go, he lowers himself next to the table with his head against the edge. He shuts his eyes tightly as he wheezes for air. I knee his temple, splitting open the side of his face against the table and leaving him to die.

I head back through the way I came, through the hallways of corpses and pools of blood.

I shake my head to keep myself focused and climb into one of the trucks. Headed back to the mansion I was headed to just a couple of hours ago before they were sent to attack me. I know where they are hiding... kind of, but I will find them relatively easy.

Though I have the risk of the Agency on my shoulders without them it would have been harder to get out of that situation. They could still be fighting the agents trying to get to my last known location.

I get into the truck. I rest my head against the headrest and shut my eyes for a moment to catch my breath.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask myself with a chuckle before turning the key in the ignition.

Leaving the question unanswered.

For me, this ends with all of them in the ground. Let's just hope that there won't be one extra corpse in that mass grave.

(Short one again. Will get back to it Monday.)

Major Crimes (K/DA Harem x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now