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***   Ahri POV/ couple hours into the past   ***

Despite the stress of the situation, we manage to get home unscathed. Well... that is more than I can say to him. Parking the car everyone gets out pretty much instantly while I hover behind the steering wheel for a couple of moments.

I don't get it.

What was that? Aren't we the targets? Or maybe they don't want us dead but rather want to get rid of the people protecting us to make it easier on them. I furrow my brow as I feel my arms quiver at the thought.

Doesn't make sense. I can't make sense of it.

Lifting my head I watch Kai'Sa through the corner of my eye, Jerico bolts down the stairs towards her wrapping his arms around her. I furrow my brow at the sight of that depressed look on her face.

She must be freaked out... or they are both lying and something did happen at the mall.

Getting out of the car, I lock the door behind me only to hear Bernard and Akali going for each other's throats despite everything that happened.

"Going to just stand there and pretend I am stupid?"

Bernard sighs. "Get over it, I don't know what you expect people like us to do when there is a fucking warzone breaking out barely a couple of feet away from us. Should I have gone and made myself a casualty?"

"Not the point-"

"Or maybe I should play part in getting our protection killed by running in and making his job a shit ton harder."

She raises her voice. "What bothers me is the lack of respect and the fact that whenever he is around you try your damnest to find a way to get rid of him and now? You suddenly feel the need to keep him around."

"Maybe you are just so hot and bothered that you can't fucking think straight!"

I step into the argument. "Hey, don't you think that's going too far?" I look at Bernard from the corner of my eye. "That you can just talk to her like that?"

He looks at me. "Tell me that what she is suggesting we do makes sense?"

"It doesn't." I look at Akali with a glare and then back at him. "But you have no places telling her what you just did."

He rubs the bridge of his nose. "Fine. Fuck me, sorry Akali for trying to get you to realize that going out into an active shooter zone is fucking stupid."

I look at Akali who stays silent. "Akali?"


"Come on. Don't make this hard."

"Fine." She looks at Bernard. "Sorry that my first instinct isn't running away."


"Leave me alone," she walks away from the two of us, Tony scampers right after her.

He reaches her, stopping her by grabbing her by the hand. Their conversation last for a couple of minutes with Akali turning around to face him and say what she wanted to say and then turns around without looking back.

"You give that girl way too much leeway."

Crossing my arms, I state, "I can't just take away everything from her."

Turning to me, he steps closer stating, "It's not just that. I don't know why she is getting so attached to someone that is meant to protect us once and then needs to leave us after he fucked the people up after us."


"Is being stupid-"

I cut him off in turn. "Is old enough to make her own decisions. If she wants to go and fall in love with someone like that, what do you want me to do? To curb her own feelings?" I sigh. "Come on, Bernard, you know I can't do that to her."

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