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I dump the car a few streets away in some poor idiot's parking spot and walk back to meet the rest of them in the house. Running out of daylight very quickly and I seriously need a pick-me-up before I end up face-first in a hallway.

I freeze at the corner of the street to see two trucks pulled up in front of the building. I quickly hide behind the stone pillar in their fence and check my pockets for something to use.

If they did show up, both Liz and Shin should be inside that building but I can't bank on the fact that they'd expect a militia to come after the girls. Not to mention that they aren't nearly as bad as the thugs I have been taking care of.

I use the metal railing and the stone pillar to scale over the fence. I drop down into a roll and scurry to the back of the building I was staying in on all fours. I peek into the window to see that everything inside is left untouched.

Good. Makes it a hell of a lot easier.

***   Evelynn POV   ***

I shield her with my person. The barrel points at me making sure that I make no movements away or towards him... keeping the two of us in place.


I whisper to her. "Shh, Sera. It will all be okay."

Looks like private military, or at least they are outfitted that way to sneak under the radar as a PMC when they are probably just thugs. He watches me through the balaclava before lifting his hand from the barrel of his gun towards a radio.

"Checking in. Two out of five. Second floor. Far-right, the door is open, knock first."

I hear the radio beep before a voice responds. "Sending two up to secure them, don't hurt them, not our property to hurt."

He settles in his stance, keeping his barrel trained on us I don't know where the others are but at least they haven't been found yet. If the two of us are the first they found then Liz must've found a way to keep them hidden.

Shin left just a moment ago to check on something.

I clear my throat, and he raises the barrel, placing his sights on my face. "Shut it, bitch. One word and I will restrain you."

Archin my brow. "I don't like playing rough."

He steps forward, something rustles at the door. He spins around with the gun being lifted into the air firing off a burst of rounds before a smaller figure shoves a long blade into his chest. I rush forward leaving Seraphine by herself to help restrain him.

We both manage to knock him to the ground with Shin holding her hand over his mouth to muffle his screams and the other pressing the blade even deeper into his system.

"I hate killing them outright," she mutters under her breath. "Can you use a gun?"

I nod, grabbing his rifle. "Where are the others?"

"I don't know where Liz is but two idiots are lying dead in the hallway. They should send someone to check up on these three if there is no answer," she pulls the blade out of him, cleaning the blood off his face.

I stretch out my arm. "Sera, come."

She nods quickly, stepping to my side I pull her after me towards the door.

"Evelynn are you-"

"Killing every single person getting between me and making sure all of you girls are safe."

***   Kai'Sa POV   ***

"Entry four. Found one," he yanks me by the arm to my feet and then pushes me to the ground with his hand on my shoulder.

I wince at his touch, making sure not to go against him at the risk of putting myself in any more trouble. My heart is beating uncontrollably, they came out of nowhere and I was trying to shut down the power like Liz asked but I swore I'd be fast enough.

The fuze was in the kitchen's storage, I tried to hide after someone burst in through the back but he found me eventually.

"Get up." I hesitate for a moment, trying not to look like I am going to do so something stupid. "I said, get up." He grabs me by the hair and forces me to my feet, the fear settles in even quicker as I am battling my tears.

He pushes me towards the island in the kitchen. "Keep your fucking back towards me, and interlock your fingers with each other, heel over heel."

Doing as I am told, I nod with a whimper doing exactly as he instructed. I lean forward against the island to keep myself from falling over only to feel him close to the distance with his pelvis close to my behind.

I bite my lower lip, to keep my cries silent. I feel his hand go to my wrists, probably trying to cuff me.

"Locking this one up, bringing her out in a moment."

"P-please," I whimper.

"Shut it."

***   Normal POV   ***

I rush forward into the kitchen slamming my elbow into his jaw. He stumbles away from her with his gun falling to the side. I kick it away and throw him towards the fridge, I follow up slamming his face into the fridge.

I open it up and press my heel into the back of his leg, holding his head against the side of the fridge I take a step back and slam the door into his head. The body goes limp and crashes to the ground, with the cans and produce on the door shelves crashing on his dead body.

I quickly turn around to see Kai'Sa's tear-stained face.


She closes the distance to hug me. I lower the two of us to the ground, keeping my eyes on all of the entrances.

"I am so glad you are here," she sniffles.

"Sorry for being late," I whisper to her. "Where are the others?"

She takes a moment to catch her bearings before saying with a worried tone, "I-I don't know. I was trying to help and buy time but I got caught."

I nod. "I'll find them. Are you able to walk? I don't want to leave you here."

"I... I should be fine."

With a large groan. "We had it handled and then you just had to come and save Kai'Sa of all people when I am trying my best to impress this girl," Liz appears in the kitchen with a smear of blood across her face and a dishevelled suit.


"Where the fuck have you been?" She narrows her eyes at me.

I lift Kai'Sa to her feet slowly, I then start. "We need to get out of here, safehouse 27, outside of the city. Can you take us there?" I ask Liz.

She narrows her eyes. "I am not allowed to take enemies of the Agency there," she pulls out her gun and aims it at me.

Kai'Sa's eyes widen in shock horror. "Lizbeth, please don't-"

She snorts loudly. "I am fucking with him, come on, we need to leave before the rest of the fuckers catch on."

I glare at her, then look at Kai'Sa. "Ignore her."

Kai'Sa quickly turns to me, pulling me in closer for a hug. I can't help but feel guilty for not being here sooner... guilty that I didn't kill those two where they stood even if they were going to be traumatised by me doing so.

It would have saved them from experiencing this.

I am better than this.

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